Wednesday 23 November 2022

BJHG AGM - 2023-01-11 19:00 Lilac Room

The house group committee have given notice:


Please note the AGM will take place on Wednesday 11th January 2023 at 7pm in the Lilac Room.

Tuesday 22 November 2022

Barbican Estate Office : What Matters To You

From the City:

Dear Residents,

As you will be aware following the recent communication from Paul Murtagh in the News Bulletin and posted on notice boards, Altair has been appointed to undertake an independent review of the services provided to you through the Barbican Estate.

A key aspect of the review is to gain insight into your views. We will be doing this in several ways including holding drop-in sessions and an online survey, so everyone has the opportunity to feed into the review.

If you are not able to make any of the dates below, Altair are also seeking your views through this short survey.

The closing date for this survey is Sunday 4 December.

On Tuesday 29th November , Julie Leo and Darren Smith, Altair consultants will be at the Barbican Estate to run a series of drop-in sessions, where residents will be able to visit and share their views with us. We have extended the final session to 7.30pm to ensure as many residents as possible have the opportunity to share their views.

Anyone can visit to share their views.
  • 10.00am - 11.30am
  • 1.30pm - 2.30pm
  • 4.00pm – 7.30pm
All drop-in sessions will all take place in the Lilac Room at Barbican Estate Office.