Wednesday 10 September 2014

LFS - Sound Test on the 19th

The film school and the City will be running sound tests on the 19th of this month (a week on Friday).   We think they will be happening in the morning but we don't know exactly when.

When reading "The Film School has agreed to abide by the same sound restrictions as those imposed on the Barbican Cinemas at Exhibition Hall 1" do recall that the arts centre wriggled out of the condition which was agreed in the planning meeting for the cinemas and implemented a system which measures only the sound *inside* the cinemas.

I'm sure the London Film School will be a great neighbour who will enrich the area ... but if we're going to have a sound monitoring system, let's have one that does something useful.  For everyone.

Here is the text of the letter:

All residents

Breton House
Ben Jonson House

Dear Residents,
Acoustic Survey
London Film School at Exhibition Hall 1 
As you may be aware, the London Film School are currently finalising terms with the Barbican Centre and City of London to take the remaining space within Exhibition Hall 1.  This will transform the vacant space into a state of the art contemporary film school. (To find out more about the School please visit
The Film School has agreed to abide by the same sound restrictions as those imposed on the Barbican Cinemas at Exhibition Hall 1. In order to establish the levels of sound proofing required the School needs to undertake an acoustic survey. The City has been assured by the Surveyors (Hoare Lea) that this survey should have minimal impact on residents and is very unlikely to be audible within any of the residential flats. However, if you have any concerns on the day, please contact your House Officer on 020 7029 3911. 
Having considered all occupiers within the Barbican (including residents, the Barbican Centre marketing office and the adjacent cinemas) it has been agreed that the acoustic survey will be completed on the morning of Friday 19 September.

Yours sincerely
Alexandra Bentley
Senior Principal Surveyor
City Surveyor’s Department

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