Sunday 17 May 2015

Barbican and Golden Lane Area Strategy - Public Consultation

From the BEO:

Dear residents,

The City of London is currently consulting on the draft Barbican and Golden Lane Area Strategy, a new strategy for the area which updates the 2008 Barbican Area Enhancement Strategy. The consultation period runs from 8 May to 8 July 2015.
The area is expected to see many further changes over the next five years, including the arrival of Crossrail services at Moorgate and Farringdon in 2019 and significant development on the area's perimeter streets. The City's Local Plan also sets out an aspiration to develop a 'Cultural Hub' in the area. Collectively, these changes provide the City of London with an unique opportunity to enhance the environment for the local community and deliver an internationally significant cultural destination.
As part of the development of the new area strategy, the City of London has undertaken a two-stage consultation process, supported by consultants Publica. The first stage was held in late Summer 2014 and over 4000 individual responses were received from the public, in addition to feedback from key stakeholders. This valuable insight provided a framework and reference for the draft area strategy.
This second stage involves consultation on the draft area strategy document. We would like to know what you think and get your feedback. The consultation period will last for 8 weeks and will include drop in sessions where officers will be available to answer questions and assist with making submissions.

The drop in sessions will be held at the following times and venues:

Barbican Centre Foyer Ground floor:
Tuesdays on 12 May, 19 May, 26 May, 2 June at 12:30-2:00pm
Fridays on 15 May, 22 May, 29 May at 6:00 - 7:30pm

Sir Ralph Perring Room, Golden Lane Estate:
Tuesdays and Fridays on 9 June, 12 June, 16 June, 19 June, 23 June, 26 June, 30 June, 3 July at 6 - 7:30pm

Copies of the area strategy, evidence base and background supporting documents are available to download at the City of London website at

Printed reference copies in conventional and high contrast versions, plus copies of the background supporting documents are available to view at the drop in sessions and at the following locations:
  • Barbican Library 
  • City Business Library
  • Guildhall Library
  • Guildhall North Wing reception
  • Guildhall West Wing reception
  • Barbican Estate Office
  • Golden Lane Estate office 
Questionnaires will also be delivered to each residence within the Barbican and Golden Lane area in the next 10 days. An online questionnaire is also be available at the City of London website link above.

Please note that anonymous responses cannot be considered. Contact details will need to be provided but will remain confidential.
Support is available for anyone who is visually impaired and needs assistance to interpret the documents. If you have any questions regarding the public consultation or area strategy please email

Barbican Estate Office

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