Tuesday 31 May 2016

The 80% 2015 Maintenance Overspend - A Report

This is a follow up to the maintenance overspend saga from last year.  The actual amount of money charged to residents was 80% higher than forecast, with a significant portion of that being related to water penetration (leaky roofs).

A report on this has been produced and will be put to the RCC on 6th June.  It'll be agenda item 9 which is at page 73 of the meeting information pack (or read just the report by itself).

The roofs were repaired by 2003 and warranties were put in place, but the warranties have been invalidated.  The report says:

Roof Warranties Invalidated.
In just the last two years over £30,000 has been spent on fixing roof leaks:

... and £31k to pay
The RCC is being asked to "note the report" and make comments.  If you have comments the contact information for the RCC says to email Julie.Mayer@cityoflondon.gov.uk.

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