Monday 18 July 2016

Ben Jonson House - LED light survey

The housegroup have asked the BEO to put together a survey for LED lighting in Ben Jonson House:

Dear residents

The Ben Jonson House Group has requested the Barbican Estate Office conduct a survey on their behalf to establish if residents would like to change the lights in the corridor (over the front doors) to LEDs.

The emergency fittings above the South side doors of the corridors have already been replaced, so changing the regular lights on the other (North) side of the corridor will be a better match of colours.

LED lights are initially more expensive to buy, at £2,805 per batch of 150 lamps rather than £300.  However, with the combination of their longer lifespan reducing costs in servicing and the reduction of wattage from 30W down to 15W, savings will be seen in the early part of year two. CO2 emissions will also be reduced by 50% from 3.240kg to 1,620kg a month. Eventually, all the regular lights will be replaced with LEDs, but this survey will establish if residents wish to have the lights changed over sooner. 

Please let us have your vote by Friday 22 July 2016. Thank you.

Click here to take part in the survey

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