Sunday 14 August 2016

Bernard Morgan House: Comments by 30th Aug

The deadline for comments (objections) to the Taylor Wimpey planning application to replace Bernard morgan House is now 30th August.

Below is the is a message explaining how the City ended up with this date.  The Evening Standard press notice Catherine refers to appeared on August 9th.

We have no control over when planning applications are submitted and must determine applications within a timeframe set out by the government.

We have 13 weeks to determine an application of this size and if this deadline is not met the applicant can submit an appeal against non-determination to the Planning Inspectorate, unless the applicant agrees to an extension of time.  The deadline for comments is 30th August, which is the deadline given in the press notice printed in the Evening Standard.  A deadline for comments needs to be given to enable us to consider comments and for the applicant to consider any amendments they would wish to make as a result of the comments received. 

The earliest Committee meeting that the application could be heard at is the meeting on 25th October.

Catherine Linford
Senior Planning Officer
Department of the Built Environment
City of London

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