Friday 27 October 2017

Unilateral EDF smart meter appointments

EDF pestering about smart meters has reached a new level.  They now unilaterally declare that an appointment has been made and say they will be coming to switch the meter on a date which pleases them:
Oh, no I won't - click to read the whole letter
I called their 0800 404 9083 number to check that they really were thinking of doing what the letter appears to say, and yup, if you don't cancel they will swing by and change the meter.

I checked and was told that the meters they would be imposing would still be the older SMETS 1 meters.

... so I cancelled their appointment and asked them to note that there should be no more pestering at least until the SMETS 2 meters are available.  I was told that this would be in about a year from now.  Let's see.

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

No use making an appointment with me - like most,if not all,residents in BJH I haven't got access to my meter, it's in a locked cupboard at the end of the corridor. Looks as if there are some fun times ahead!