Sunday 25 February 2018

Bernard Morgan House meeting 20th Feb 2018

A Ben Jonson House committee member took notes at the Feb 20th meeting about what was the site of Bernard Morgan House, and is now the building site for the proposed Denizen block of flats:

Here are brief notes of this meeting for residents with the construction company for the Denizen.

Construction firm McAleer and Rushe introduced themselves by showing examples of prestigious and large scale buildings of various kinds for which they had been responsible. Aim was to imply local residents could have confidence in their standards of work. This presentation was curtailed by objections from residents who perceived it as irrelevant to concerns they had. Questions were raised about firm's experience of affordable or social housing, although not planned for Denizen. "Affordable" clarified as 80% of market rent. Strong feelings persist about absence of social or affordable housing on this site.

Discussion proceeded to plans submitted to CoL for access/egress from site during construction expected to take approx. 2 years 3 mths. Residents have been reasonably satisfied with use of Brackley St during demolition period. Construction will generate more traffic including articulated lorries. The plan is for all this traffic to access the site using a one way system via Fann St from Aldersgate St through to the site and exiting onto Golden Lane. The midway gate would be opened as needed to allow site traffic to pass, and closed after it by traffic marshals.
Very strong objections were expressed to this plan on account of danger to the many pedestrians and cyclists who use this route, as well as disruption to the main road access to Golden Lane Estate. Concern was also expressed about vulnerable residents of Tudor Rose Court and the need for ambulance access.
The East end of Fann St. is to be made narrower by an extension of the site hoarding to provide loading/ unloading space and the crane to be installed will operate within the site borders.
Mention was made of possible mitigating plans e.g. a green fence to the upper playground on Golden Lane Campus, improvements to Fortune Park, but nothing definite.
The Hatching Dragons Nursery is to move.
The next meeting is set for 20.3.18

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