Wednesday 7 March 2018

Music Show closes Beech St 14th-19th March

The arts centre are running a show with amplified music in the Beech St tunnel over the 17th and 18th of March, with the setup starting from the 14th, and the tear down running up to the 19th, with the roads back to normal on the 20th.

The show will consist of 30 minute performances showing from 15:00 to 21.30 on Saturday 17th March and 12:00 to 21.30 on the Sunday 18th.

Here is a document which describes the event, the impact it will have on the area and how this will be managed.  There are maps too.

Click to read the whole document


1 comment :

Anonymous said...

And what a 'show' it has been - I have heard and felt every single performance of the music in my flat within BJH. The particularly uncomfortable bits are at 3-6, 12, 18-22, 23-28 minutes of the piece, with choral shrieks, heavy drumming and the like meaning I am now spending the first half hour of each hour with my earphones on. While I don't mind listening to music and the like via earphones when I'm on the tube and the like, I do resent this intrusion within my own flat.

And in anticipation of the next comment, yes, the City Noise team are very aware, but the event team don't seem to care, and with everyone else either away or suffering in silence, it's going to go down as a 'not a problem really' type disturbance of which we are all far too familiar.

I'm a fan of the Arts Centre (when its in its own space), a life long central Londoner so fairly tolerant of urban noise as a rule, not yet either pro or anti the Culture Mile extravaganza, and not unappreciative of the spectacle they have created in Beech Street..... but that was before I'd had to hear it all through Friday's testing, 6 times on Saturday and (so far), 4 times on Sunday. I will be going out for a bit which should (hopefully) see me miss 2 or even 3 of the remaining 7 'hearings' of it, but on an unseasonably cold, snowy weekend, I resent being compelled to vacate my warm flat for the purpose of some 'boundary pushing' that has been developed without any thought for the neighbours.

What exactly was involved in any 'consultation' between the event and residents' associations?

[Posting anonymously given I'm talking about my home and do not wish to be discoverable to all and sundry on the internet]