Friday 6 April 2018

BMH - Diesel Generator for marketing suite

From the chair of the Breton House Group:

Taylor Wimpey which is planning to build its 99-flat monstrosity, aka The Denizen, has applied for planning permission to build a two-storey marketing suite at the corner of Viscount Street and Brackley Street. 

Although the suite will still be there in the next decade, the applicant intends to use a diesel generator for electricity, instead of connecting to the mains supply. When asked at the last Construction Liaison Group meeting if it would use a mains supply instead, the answer was a blunt "no".

City Corporation's Environmental Health Officer, Hazel Austin, raised no concern with the generator polluting the air. But she was concerned with noise pollution, requiring the use of the generator to be limited to 10.00 to 18.00, although, according to Taylor Wimpey, the weekend use will be 10.00 to 16.00.

I raised the air pollution concerns with Hazel and she replied:

"Having confirmed with the site, there currently is no mains power available. I have however been informed, once mains power is available, the generator will be removed from site. At this time there is no timescales for this."

Details of the planning application are here. Please object by demanding the suite is connected to mains electricity before it is used for the first time. Not only will mains connection avoid pollution, it will also eliminate the noise from the generator.

Click to read the whole notice

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