Sunday 26 July 2020

Objective noise measurement - Paris shows the way

The City of London have a Noise Strategy, one which is based on subjective observation such as spot measurement of sound averages.  i.e. pretty much useless when it comes to dealing with real-world noise incidents.

Paris have introduced an objective measure of sound using a device they call The Medusa.  The Paris network of these devices can measure sound levels and source location in real-time.  For example, they can track a noisy motor-cycle as it roars through the city.  Such a system could measure the actual time our "considerate contractors" choose to start their noisy works, or exactly how noisy that street cleaning machine is which trundles around at 07:00 on many days.

The Paris Medusa is described in this BBC video article:

Will the City of London pick up on this idea?  We can hope.

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