Monday 22 January 2018

At risk: The Barbican Wildlife Garden

One of the areas explicitly excluded from the proposed Barbican / Golden Lane conservation area is the Barbican Wildlife Garden.

If you would like to see the gardens included in the conservation area you have until 12th February to make your views known. The City consultation page is here. Respond to

Here is a flyer on the topic:

Click to read the flyer

If you would like to respond to the consultation, please have a look at item 7a of the 14th November 2017 meeting of the Planning and Transportation Committee.  The Barbican and Golden Lane Proposed Conservation Area proposals are described in a report (archived copy).  Look particularly at the points from page 16 which list criteria against which the application will be judged.  For the greatest effect, please do review the items which officers have said NO and think about whether you agree.  The groups fighting for the gardens would love all the NOs to be changes to YESs.  In your comments, use the terminology in the report to make your points.

Respond to or write to:

Historic Environment Team
Department of the Built Environment
City of London
PO Box 270

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