Saturday 3 October 2020

Underfloor Heating - More heat now, less heat in Jan

From the BEO:

Updates: Background Underfloor Heating 2020 Survey

Following the recent residents’ survey we have now begun the implementation of the seasonal load shifting trial. We’re aiming to have around 20 more hours heating over the month of October, compensated by 20 hours less heating in January. We’re keen that, as near as possible, this trial will be cost neutral. Then in February we’ll have another 20 hours less heating compensated by 20 hours more in April.

We will start this for October, by telling the temperature sensor that determines when the heating comes on, that it is 1 degree colder than the real temperature. We have modelled this shift on last season’s heating data.

Clearly this is not an exact science as the external temperature profile varies from year to year, but by monitoring the heat load each day we can make sure that we don’t deliver more than 20 hours extra in October. In January we will tell the sensor that it is warmer than the real temperature. Again we will be carefully monitoring the daily heat load to keep within our 20 hours. This should ensure that there is no additional cost to residents, on which the Barbican Association Meeting was agreed.

This is one component of the Underfloor Heating Working Party’s attempts to make the heating system match better the needs of residents.

I understand that these changes cause concern for some residents and the Working Party will be looking at those concerns. Please note that it is a one year carefully monitored trial. We welcome your feedback and comments and in particular any suggestions to improve the heating system.

You can contact me via email on I look forward to hearing from you.

Mary Durcan
(Chair of the Underfloor Heating Working Party)
Common Councillor
Cripplegate Ward
City of London Corporation

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