Monday 21 July 2014

Frobisher Crescent drainpipes

From the Barbican Association planning committee chair :

Dear All,

I raised the proposed Frobisher drainpipes with the City planners. It's clear that the planners aren't happy, but don't feel they can fight the engineers, who say the drainpipes within the concrete piloti are too narrow and twisted, have never worked and would be ludicrously expensive to enlarge. The balcony has apparently always flooded, but the flooding now disturbs not the concrete floor of an office but the carpets and ceiling insulation of residents.

My gut feeling is that we can't fight this one. You can object personally at (search for 14/00626/LBC) or by emailing, copying in Grounds for objection can include design, materials, the impact on the appearance of Frobisher Crescent and on the Barbican Grade II listing, but I fear these considerations will be outweighed by the need to prevent flooding. The deadline for comments is Tuesday 12 August.

The application is for two 75mm drainpipes of painted galvanized steel at the west end of Frobisher Crescent, and also includes new drainage channels on the balconies, and new timber sliding doors on the upper three levels.

Best regards,
  Chair, Barbican Association Planning Committee

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