Sunday 12 June 2016

Côte licensing application vs. planning consent

I have received the following well thought-out response to the post about the licensing application being made by Côte with respect to a food delivery service.  As requested I'll forward this on the the planning people in the City asking for their comment.

Their application clearly states: "the applicant is introducing a delivery service at the premises whereby a full meal can be ordered from their menu for home delivery".

They are not asking for the permission from the licensing committee to operate a delivery service - they merely state they are introducing it. They are only asking for permission to offer alcohol as part of the delivery service.

This alcohol element may concern some BJH residents and it would therefore make sense for them to write to the licensing committee about that.

But it seems to me that the key point is the one you go on to make in the blog - It's the introduction of a delivery service that potentially increases nuisance from motorbike/moped traffic in the service yard behind Ben Jonson House which would be a real concern for all BJH residents  - and we could still face that from Cote's new delivery service even if the Licensing Committee denies the licence variation for it to include alcohol.

Now the BJH committee is are aware of it, shouldn't we explore the issue of the new delivery service with the planners?

The original planning consent for the restaurant contains a specific restriction "to safeguard the amenity of the occupiers of adjacent premises".

Condition 5 states:
"No servicing of the premises shall be carried out between the hours of 20.00hrs on one day and 08:00hrs on the following day from Monday to Saturday and between 18.00hrs and 12.00hrs on Sundays and Bank Holidays. Servicing includes the loading and unloading of goods from vehicles and putting rubbish outside the building."
Couldn't the house committee contact/write to the planners to seek clarification and make the point to the planners that the proposed delivery drivers will be "servicing" the restaurant - so these same hours must be respected by the restaurant in relation to any delivery service that they operate. 

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