Tuesday, 31 January 2017

BJHG 2017 meeting dates

The dates for the House Group Committee meetings have been set for the remainder of 2017 and the first little bit of 2018. The dates are all in the calendar and in the rolling committee meeting agenda and minutes document (at the bottom of the document), but here they are as a list.  Please do make a note in your calendar of the date for the AGM & Christmas nibbles meeting on 13th Dec:
  • Wed 15th March 2017 19:30-22:00 (committee role elections)
  • Wed 17th May 2017 19:30-22:00
  • Wed 12th July 2017 19:30-22:00
  • Wed 13th Sept 2017 19:30-22:00
  • Wed 8th November 2017 19:30-22:00
  • Wed 13th Dec 2017 19:00-22:00 Xmas meeting & AGM
  • Wed 17th January 2018 19:30-22:00 (committee role elections)
  • Wed 14th March 2018 19:30-22:00
All meetings are held in Residents Meeting Room, known as the Lilac room.  Directions to the Lilac room are >here< .

Monday, 30 January 2017

Window Cleaning Schedule 2017

I spotted the new window cleaning schedule on a notice board, so I have scanned it for the blog and put the dates on the calendar.

I have asked the BEO to send me a copy of this kind of thing so I can put it here on the blog right away, but to no avail.  I have also suggested they might set up their own blog for this kind of thing, again no.  Oh, well, here is the one from the notice board which has the spelling mistakes corrected by a helpful resident:
An annotated schedule

Thursday, 26 January 2017

City View - January edition

Here is the January edition of the City of London's magazine for residents.  There is an article about what will be the new tallest building in the City:

A view of the Undershaft

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Bernard Morgan House news and Facebook Group

The planning application process for the proposed Taylor Wimpey block of flats to replace Bernard Morgan House has stalled again, it seems.  I understand the application will not be going to the planning committee until some time in April.

In the meantime a Facebook Group has been set up for people interested in the development:

Click image to go to the Facebook Group

Flute Flats

Air is moved around Ben Jonson House through a number of vents.  Air is pulled from flats through vents in kitchens and bathrooms, sucked up by big fans up on the roof.  Air is pulled into flats through vents on windows.

All this air movement can create different pressure levels, for example between the inside of a flat and the common corridor, and if there is a significant difference in pressure the air tries to move from the high pressure area to the low pressure area though any gaps it can find.  For example through keyholes and letter box flaps.

Sometimes the combination of swiftly moving air and the shape of the keyhole or letterbox flap makes a noise, similar to the way a flute makes a noise with air blown over a hole at one end ...
which is why I call the flats that make these noises "flute flats".

Here is an example:
Click to see the video
We have asked the BEO to help in cases where people are disturbed by the noise.

Yoga Classes

From the City:

Come and learn the basics of yoga over 6 weeks in a relaxed environment.

16 January – 20 February, 1.45pm – 3pm
City of London Community Education Centre 9 Golden Lane, London, EC1Y 0TZ

For more information:
Anna Lee-White anna.lee-white@cityoflondon.gov.uk 07710 385 413
David Coleman david.coleman@cityoflondon.gov.uk 020 7332 1212

Click for larger view