The House Group

This blog is not an official organ of the house group ... but we are good friends. :-)

The Ben Jonson House Group is the Recognised Tenants Association (RTA) for Ben Jonson House in the Barbican.   We operate in the context of the Barbican Association which is the residents association for the whole estate (see our formal constitution and rules).

The City recognise the house group as an RTA if more than half of of flats in the block have residents who are members, so please do become a member. There is no membership fee.  It is easy to join, just visit our membership system (


Email email

... or, if you use the email form which appears at the very bottom of each page of this blog I'll forward the message on to the house group.


Everyone who lives in Ben Jonson House (a resident) and/or owns a flat (a long leaseholder) may be a member of the house group.  Use our membership system to sign up, or if you prefer to avoid using computers complete a paper form and leave it with the CPA.

Please read how we meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


If you'd like to see the constitution of the house group have a look here, but more informally, the Ben Jonson House Group represents the interests of BJH through the Barbican Estate Office to the relevant departments of the City Corporation.

Membership is open to all long leaseholders and residents of Ben Jonson House.  There is no membership subscription.

The house group holds an AGM to carry out the few formal bits of administration, electing members of the House Group Committee and approving the accounts.

The present Chair is Helen Hulson.  Committee Meetings are held bi-monthly, usually on a Wednesday evening. The meetings are attended by our Estate Office House Officer, who is responsible for liaison with the Corporation.

From time to time Recognised Tenants Associations (RTAs) are required to show the City that  membership includes a long or short leaseholder from a majority of flats.  An RTA which fails the test will lose its entitlement to make representations to it about repair work needed or deficiencies in work carried out by the City or its subcontractors.