Monday, 30 April 2018

Electric Car Charging - launch event 14th May

From the chair of the BA Sustainability Committee



As an Air Quality Champion I'd like to invite you to the launch of the Barbican Electric Vehicle Charging scheme in Thomas More car park on 14th May at 4.30 pm where Nissan, BMW and Zipcar will be demonstrating their new electric vehicles and we will be able to see how the new charging points will work. This is followed by a reception in the Ironmongers Hall (worth a visit in itself as it is a stunning arts and crafts movement building with carved wooden staircase, panelling and William Morris wall hangings). There will be drinks and canapés and the opportunity to hear about current air quality initiatives in the City.

I hope you will be able to come. Please RSVP to if you want to come to the Ironmongers reception.

Best wishes

Dear Resident,

You are invited to the Electrifying the Barbican Launch Event, for the launch of the newly installed charging points and informative reception about electric vehicles.

The event will be on Monday 14th May 2018 and will be in two parts:

  • 4.30pm-5.30pm Launching the electric vehicle charging points with demonstrations, Thomas More car park (ramp down from Aldersgate).  Throughout the hour there will be the opportunity to see demonstration electric vehicles and talk to experts from BMW, Nissan & Zipcar.
  • 5pm Welcome & Commissioning of the Charging Points. Demonstration of the Charging Points, Chargemaster
  • 5.30pm Move to Ironmongers' Hall for the information & networking session
  • 5.30pm-7.30pm Why go Electric? Information and networking event, Ironmongers' Hall
  • 5.30pm Drinks & canapes, information stalls & networking
  • 6.00pm - How the City of London is tackling air pollution, City of London
  • Growth of EV charging networks in the UK, Chargemaster
  • The future of EV's in the UK, Nissan
  • Pilot EV charging project on the Barbican Estate, WSP
  • Residents survey prize giving
  • 6.30pm Drinks & canapes, information stalls & networking
  • 7.30pm Close

You are invited to both parts. For the informative reception at Ironmongers' Hall from 5.30pm please RSVP:

As there will be refreshments on offer at the reception, please let me know if you have any dietary or allergy requirements –

What is it about?

As part of the Low Emission Neighbourhood project, 30 electric charging bays have been installed in 5 car parks across the Barbican Estate, with the aim of promoting a switch from petrol and diesel cars to Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEV).

This event will launch the six-month pilot. Charging point usage and user experience will be assessed to determine the best practice for the continued rollout of EV infrastructure on the estate and across City of London Corporation managed residential car parks. During the pilot, usage of the charging points will be free.

If you currently have an electric or hybrid vehicle, would like to be involved, and have not yet registered your interest in the pilot scheme, please fill out our brief survey, or contact There will also be the opportunity to register your interest at the launch event.

We do hope you can join us.

Kind regards,
The Air Quality Team, City of London Corporation
Department of Markets and Consumer Protection
City of London Corporation
PO Box 270, Guildhall
London. EC2P 2EJ
Tel: 020 7332 1190

Please take part in a quick survey to assess how we can best communicate air quality: Thank you.

Follow us on Twitter @_CityAir

Download the free CityAir App for current information on air pollution in the City (Google Playstore & App Store)

Friday, 6 April 2018

3 Hour Power Outage on 19th April

The BEO tells us that there will be power disruptions across the estate between 16th and 20th of April, with Ben Jonson House being affected on 19th April between 10:00 and 16:00, with a maximum outage of 3 hours, they think.

Click to read the Ben Jonson House notice

Here is the notice from the BEO including specific notices for each of the affected blocks:

Interruption to Electricity Supply
Please be informed that between 16 - 20 April

there will be a power outage in Ben Jonson House, Cromwell Towers, John Trundle Court, Mountjoy House and Willoughby House.

This is to enable the Electric Vehicle Charging Points to be brought into service.

For more details on which flats are affected, timings and further information please click on the relative links above.

We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this regard.

BMH - Diesel Generator for marketing suite

From the chair of the Breton House Group:

Taylor Wimpey which is planning to build its 99-flat monstrosity, aka The Denizen, has applied for planning permission to build a two-storey marketing suite at the corner of Viscount Street and Brackley Street. 

Although the suite will still be there in the next decade, the applicant intends to use a diesel generator for electricity, instead of connecting to the mains supply. When asked at the last Construction Liaison Group meeting if it would use a mains supply instead, the answer was a blunt "no".

City Corporation's Environmental Health Officer, Hazel Austin, raised no concern with the generator polluting the air. But she was concerned with noise pollution, requiring the use of the generator to be limited to 10.00 to 18.00, although, according to Taylor Wimpey, the weekend use will be 10.00 to 16.00.

I raised the air pollution concerns with Hazel and she replied:

"Having confirmed with the site, there currently is no mains power available. I have however been informed, once mains power is available, the generator will be removed from site. At this time there is no timescales for this."

Details of the planning application are here. Please object by demanding the suite is connected to mains electricity before it is used for the first time. Not only will mains connection avoid pollution, it will also eliminate the noise from the generator.

Click to read the whole notice

Monday, 2 April 2018

Barbican Association AGM 26th April

Notice of Barbican Association AGM Thursday 26 April
At 7.30pm, Main Hall, City of London School for Girls, St Giles’s Terrace

This year the Barbican Association’s Annual General Meeting will not have a guest speaker so as to allow more time for members to tell us what concerns them and what they want the BA to be doing on their behalf. Council members, will, of course, report on what they have been during the year.

Please tell us what you want on the agenda.
The AGM will also:
Elect nine members to the BA General Council.
Elect the honorary treasurer
Elect an honorary auditor
Wine and soft drinks will be served at the end of the AGM

See below for an agenda and nomination papers for the Barbican Association’s 2018 Annual General Meeting.
Click to read the AGM notice & nomination papers

Doors open 7.00pm. Admission to paid-up members only, but membership (£8) will be available at the door.

For information about membership, contact the Assistant Membership Secretary, Roger Howorth, 63 Thomas More House, Barbican,
For information about the meeting, contact Jane Smith,