Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Licensing - The City's code of good practice

The City of London have a code of good practice for licensing, which begins:

The Licensing Act 2003 (the Act) focuses on the promotion of four statutory licensing objectives which must be addressed when licensing functions are undertaken. The four licensing objectives are:
  •  The prevention of crime and disorder
  •  Public safety
  •  The prevention of public nuisance
  •  The protection of children from harm

Aim of the code
The aim of this code is to provide applicants and licensees with guidance on good practice for the promotion of the four licensing objectives which are paramount considerations at all times. The code is consistent with the Home Office guidance issued under section 182 of the Act and with the City of London’s statement of licensing policy.  

Saturday, 25 August 2018

Defibrillators Around the Barbican

From the BEO:

Defibrillators Around the Barbican
First Responder Department, London Ambulance Service

Please find a list below from the First Responder Department, London Ambulance Service of the sites noted that have defibrillators locally. Please be aware the accessibility of the defibrillators mentioned below is dependent on the offices they are located in.
*Police vehicles and other emergency services carry defibrillators and the London Ambulance Service send messages through for assistance when there are calls for problems with people breathing or suffering chest pains.
  • Barbican Underground Aldersgate Street, London EC1A 4JA
  • Barbican Estate Lauderdale Tower, Lauderdale Place, Barbican, EC2Y 8BY
  • City of London School for Girls St Gile's Terrace, Barbican, London EC2Y 8BB
  • Citypoint One Ropemaker Street, London EC2Y 9AW
  • CityPoint Club 1 Ropemaker St, London, EC2Y 9AW
  • Guildhall School of Music & Drama Silk Street, Barbican, London EC2Y 8DT
  • Moor Place 1 Fore Street Avenue, Moorgate, London EC2Y 5EJ
  • Moorgate Underground Moorfields, London EC2Y 9AE
  • Museum of London 150 London Wall, EC2Y 5HN

Estate Surveys - Including drains?

The Beech Gardens project pulled up all of the gardens and tiles on the western part of the highwalk towards the Barbican tube station, the area was covered with a waterproofing membrane and the tiles and gardens reinstated largely as before, though the planting was changed (to mixed reviews).

One thing that didn't happen as part of the Beech Gardens project was fixing the drains, a thing you would have thought would have been right at the top of the list given that the whole project was kicked off in response to water leaking through the podium into the Virgin Active gym below.

So now we have new gardens, but the highwalk still floods and Virgin Active still suffer leaks.

The City are reminded of the Beech Gardens project when they raise the prospect of doing the same strip-back + membrane + new tiles and gardens thing at the eastern, Ben Jonson House end of the highwalk.

In particular they are reminded to make sure they fix the drains first, before getting into any other highwalk works.

Which makes the following from the BEO interesting.  Perhaps there is hope:

Reminder Notice: Surveys across the Estate
Podium Works

Please be aware that there will be a topographical survey and a pre-drainage survey taking place for the podium works across the Barbican Estate.

Topographical and utility surveys between 28 to 31 August and the drainage “Pre-survey” from 23 August for a month.

Both surveys are non-intrusive, we thank you for your cooperation and understanding in this regard.

Vandalised lift door - ~£350.00 to fix

It seems that there is someone who has access to Ben Jonson House who enjoys scratching the finish of the lift doors. A couple of doors were damaged and fixed not so long ago, and now the door of Lift 62 on level two has been damaged. The quote for fixing this latest damage is £286.65 + VAT which I reckon is about £350.00 in total, to be charged to the house maintenance account, so we all get to pay a bit.  And the lift will be out of service for blocks of time over a couple of days while the work is being done.

Click for a bigger version

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Dropped curb in front of Prior Weston School

From the chair of the Breton House Group:

Rineys are creating a 16.5 metre long dropped curb in front of PWS. It will run from just north of the car park entrance.

Other than being paid for by Taylor Wimpey, I have no other information and the Riney employee didn't have any either, not even a drawing! However, it will be noisy and dusty work to add to that across the road.

Saturday, 4 August 2018

Replacing the Lift Lights with LEDs

From the BEO:

Replacing the Lift Lights.

As of next week, engineers will be updating the outdated lighting in the Barbican lifts to LED's, this work is being carried out to replace old wiring and reduce our carbon emissions. The plan is to start at lift 1 in Defoe and work around the estate in numerical order, however, this may change from time to time if necessary.

We will be looking at around an hour per lift and although the lift may be put into car preference whilst the modernisation is carried out, the engineers will be happy to allow residents to travel in them if required.

Thank you for your understanding.

Wednesday, 1 August 2018

Brackley Street closed from 2018-08-13 for two years(!)

Taylor Wimpey have agreed with the City that they can close Brackley St for a couple of years.

The street in question.  Thanks for the map Google.

The letter from Taylor Wimpey:

Construction Update - Bernard Morgan House
Please see below a Bernard Morgan House Construction Update. Details of important changes set to occur in the next two weeks can be found below.

On Monday 13th August Brackley Street will be closed for the duration of the construction works. The construction works are expected to be completed by summer 2020. The closure will be used for vehicle loading and unloading. The closure has been agreed with the City of London as part of the Construction Management Plan.

Traffic will be diverted onto Fann Street or alternatively via Beech Street onto Bridgewater Street. Viscount Street will also be opened to traffic from both directions to enable a free flow of vehicles. The footpath closest to the site hoarding will be closed for the duration of works; however, the opposite footpath, which is closest to the UBS building, will remain open to pedestrians. The closure of Brackley Street will not impact the entrance to Barbican Estate car parks and access to Fortune Street Park will be maintained. Traffic management and signage will be in place throughout the road closure.

Further information on the road closure will be issued to neighbours in advance of Monday 13th August via the next construction newsletter and the weekly update emails.

If you would like any further information on the ongoing works at Bernard Morgan House please do not hesitate to contact us using the details below. Thank you for your understanding ahead of the closure of Brackley Street.
Contact Details
For urgent matters please phone:
McAleer & Rushe's Site Manager Gary Cullen on 07767161006
Or McAleer & Rushe's Project Manager Eoin Gormley on 07436 812217

For all other issues please contact Cascade Communications:
Email: construction@cascadepr.co.uk
Freephone: 08081 686 677
Website: www.bernardmorganhouseconstruction.co.uk


And a map image from Taylor Wimpey sent out on 2018-08-09:

Click to enlarge