Saturday, 1 September 2018

Brutalist Tapestry Installation in the tunnel

The latest installation in the tunnel is "Brutalist Tapestry" by Jason Bruges.
Artist Jason Bruges has created Brutalist Tapestry, a monumental kinetic installation in Beech Street tunnel. The work translates imagery, video, sound and binary data into tangible marks, bringing a new cultural connection to the tunnel.
Something like this?
From the BEO:

Beech Street Temporary Closures (Westbound only) for 'Brutalist Tapestry' Installation
Sat 01/Sun 02 Sep 2018 (08:00 – 18:00):

Installation works for the new artwork ‘Brutalist Tapestry’ will take place 1 - 2 September, and will require the following temporary street closures in Beech Street:

To maintain easy access to Shakespeare/Defoe Car Park please note that entry will be diverted through the gated entrance accessed via the Barbican Centre public car park route (see image). This will be in place only when through-access in the westbound lane is not possible

Exiting from Shakespeare/Defoe car park will be as normal, left turn and exiting at Aldersgate Street
Deliveries will be diverted to access Lauderdale Place via Aldersgate Street where required, and will be managed by traffic marshals
Site plan showing works area.

Podium Waterproofing Surveys

I saw a chap with a theodolite on the podium last week.  He was taking measurements and painting marks (water soluble paint, he said) which I took to be part of the surveys were have been told about.

The BEO now tells us about "Podium Waterproofing Surveys" (see below).  The title suggests that the lessons from the Beech Gardens project have already been forgotten.  The first step for any works on the highwalks must be to fix the drains.  To start with waterproofing, without first fixing the drains, just means we end up with swimming pools ... as indeed we see in Beech Gardens.

The text of the message below does mention drainage, so hope remains ...

A plan for more swimming pools?
From the BEO:

Podium Waterproofing Surveys

Surveys for the podium are underway. Further surveys will be carried out between the 3 - 21 September including some intrusive surveys which will require breaking out work at trial locations. This is to review the build-up, joints, existing drainage and the damage the leaks have been causing. This review will be used to inform the scope and design for the repair and replacement works for the podium.

The trial holes will require a small area to be cordoned off during the works. This will not prevent access but you will not be able to walk through the working space.
The surveys will be conducted between 10am and 4pm as per the working restrictions on the Barbican.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and patience.