Sunday, 27 October 2019

Golden Lane Campus Floodlighting: How many lights?

In February the Golden Lane Campus was given planning approval for the installation of flood lighting.  Given permission for 4 powerful light fittings, it seems the school has actually had 8 installed.

What the plans said
What the plans said to make it clear

What was actually installed ... Not 4 but 8

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Barbican at Fifty: your comments for the next fifty please

The chair of the Ben Jonson House Group, Helen Hulson, writes ...

Barbican at Fifty, Blueprint for the next Fifty 

Adam Hogg and Sandy Wilson have prepared a document with suggestions about matters Barbican residents may wish to consider for the Estate in changing times, with reference to the next fifty years:
Click here to read the paper
Although the City of London says it is committed to the enhancement and protection of the Barbican Estate, under current arrangements there is provision only for maintenance, through the service charge, and not improvement. The Barbican was designed to environmental standards of the fifties and sixties and needs a thorough review to ensure its continued appeal to residents in the 21st century and its proper maintenance as a heritage site.

Sandy Wilson joined our House Group meeting last month to talk about the vision behind the paper and is keen to gather together ideas from residents about improvements they would like to see, so that an estate wide list of priorities can be drawn up. These can be as general or particular as you wish.

If you have any suggestions please comment on this post (the comment form is at the bottom of this page) or email the house group at
The closing date for submitting ideas is 30th October 2019. Many thanks, Helen Hulson Chair BJHG

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Arts Centre / Barbican Association meeting

House group representatives attended the regular  Arts Centre meeting between the centre and residents (c.f minutes of the previous meeting and the agenda for this meeting). Here are the notes from our representatives:

Matter arising from last minutes

The death of Robert Barker: all sorry to see him gone as he was very active on many committees. (note: there was no representative of Lauderdale House in attendance to take Rob's place).

The Four B's - new application has been made based on a new proposal for the repositioning of these signs to Lakeside and Level G near Cafe. This was opposed by many of the attendees, and the new application should be opposed by all residents to ensure that these are not removed to the new positions. (I will send around the new application for residents to read and submit any comments to the City of London planning team).
Kitchen fans - a baseline measurement of the noise emitted by these fans is still awaited by the Gilbert House residents.
Lake revamp - due to the flooding of the engine room this has been delayed. However, the Barbican Centre hope to be back on track by the growing season next year (Spring). Then the fountains will come back on. All the pipes and units rebuilt and holes filled around the lake. Part 3 of the Lakeside refurbishment plan can then be started up - to remove all the mud and ensure plants and wildlife are secure. (This should take up to 2 years to complete).

2. Outdoor Programming for 2020
  • Open Fest 30/31 may 2020
  • Dance Event 25/26 July 2020
  • Outdoor cinema - Frobisher court - 30/31 August 2010
All events will have residents consultation meetings to ensure that they have residents interest in mind

3. Barbican at 50
There will be another screening of the Mixtape Resident Film on 24th November at 11 am in Cinema 1. Details will be in the next Podium newsletter. No charge but booking is essential.

4. Management Plans.
The Guildhall management plan is complete. The Barbican Centre plan is still pending as Residents Committee has not signed off. Jane Smith expects this to be done by the end of the month.
5. Beech Street and Silk Street Deliveries
These are still being made prior to 8am. The centre have mead efforts to stop this, but there are still some occurrences. They will look to stop this happening.
6. Bicycling on Lakeside Terrace
Students are cycling around the estate - particularly on the Terrace. Barbican Centre will contact the student union and ask for this to stop.

7. Redirecting public away from Cromwell Tower Lobby

The security staff there are constantly asked about barbican Centre - the signage needs to be improved. This is being addressed by the legible London signage committee. The Barbican Centre will look to see if another sign can be added to direct the pubic to the correct entrance.

There were no matters on AOB.