Saturday, 8 July 2023

Barbican Cluster Panel Meeting: 18:00, Thursday 13 July

From the BEO:

Panel Meeting

The next Barbican Cluster Panel Meeting will be at 6pm on Thursday 13 July in Golden Lane Estate Community Centre, Fann Street.

Come and join us to:Receive local crime and antisocial behaviour updates
Discuss local policing activity
Raise concerns directly to officers
Agree Cluster Promises together

Cluster Panels are made up of local people who help us assess community concerns and establish priorities for policing in the area.

Sunday, 28 May 2023

Neighbourhood Area & Forum

In a message from the City we are told about a ...

Click to read the whole letter

The idea of neighbourhood planning is explained in this video:

In essence neighbourhood planning seems to be a mechanism whereby residents can in some way influence planning decisions.  Potentially powerful stuff.

See the "Proposed Barbican and Golden Lane Neighbourhood Forum and Area " to find out more and give feedback.

See also the letter sent to the City applying to create the area and forum:

Click to read the whole letter

Friday, 3 February 2023

Noisy Work Hours amended

From the BEO:

Noisy Work Hours amended

Barbican Contractors: 9am – 5pm

(Works carried out by our contractors (Metwin etc). They will try to not start before 10am but certain works need a full day to complete and may have to start from 9am). Emergency Works may have to take place outside of these hours.

Residents Private Contractors: 10am-4pm

Alterations in Leaseholders flats. (Please note there is no quiet period) if there are complaints of noisy work starting before 10am or after 4pm please contact the House Officer for your block.

City: 8am – 6pm eg road works, gas, electric water repairs & work not controlled by the Barbican Estate Office.

(Quiet times of 10-12 and 2-4 stipulated)

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Phase 2 Poduim Works

The Weekly Planning List from Sue Cox included details of the proposals for "Podium Phase 2". Podium Phase 1 tackled Beech Gardens and the north western part of the estate. Phase 2 will tackle Ben Jonson Highwalk and the north eastern part.

The reference number for the application is 22/01178/FULL and 22/01179/LBC. Search for those names here (the City web sited does not support direct links to applications for some reason):

Here is my comment:

The proposal is a pretty shocking misallocation of funds, especially at a time of economic stress.

The photographs of stained and damaged tiles included in the phase 2 design and access statement could just as easily have been taken in and around Beech Gardens (the results of Phase 1) which has plenty of blocked drains and damaged tiles. Even the bucket shot could have been taken in offices below Beech Gardens long after Phase 1 was declared complete.

In retrospect, Phase 1 was a really bad idea mainly because the critical underlying issue was not addressed (the drains were not fixed first) but also because the end result is no better than the current state of the area slated for phase 2. Fixing the drains plus a well funded maintenance programme would have produced a much better outcome than the phase 1 project, and would have been far less stressful all around.

So rather than use the allocated funds on phase 2 as proposed, allocate tranches of the money to:
  • >>> Fix the drains <<< (I know work for this is proposed in phase 2, but this should not just be a one-off "project" to fix the drains, rather it should be part of maintenance)
  • Establish a rolling maintenance programme for the drains including a long term vision of how site drainage will evolve.
  • Re-visit and repair the Phase 1 work at Beech Gardens. The drains should be fixed, of course, and damaged and stained tiles should be replaced as needed.
  • Start a programme of rolling maintenance for the highwalks as a whole using best practice materials (e.g. for now, the tiles used on for Phase 1 Beech Gardens can be used to replace damaged tiles elsewhere).
  • Remove Yellow Shed. Often promised and dangled as a carrot: "if you residents would only approve our latest plan X we promise to finally remove the shed!" ... only to recant and leave the shed in place (... a handy carrot for the future).
  • Restore the automated drip water system. Should be fine with fixed drains. More efficient for staff & save water too.