Thursday, 4 January 2024

Top balcony inspections

The Projects Department inform that on Tuesday 9 January from 10:30am, the City of London Project Manager, Graham Sheret will be walking along the top floor balconies of John Trundle Court, Bunyan Court and Ben Jonson House. He will be accompanied by a contractor.

I'd guess they will be looking for leaky doors etc.

BJH AGM - Wed 2024-01-31

 The Annual General Meeting of Ben Jonson Residents will be taking place at 7pm on the Wednesday 31st January in the Lilac Room (basement area of Seddon House, opposite the BEO offices in Lauderdale Tower).  We will be offering light refreshments to all who come along.

The Agenda, Minutes of the 2023 AGM and the Chair's report will be sent out a little closer to the meeting date.