Tuesday, 30 July 2013

A new parking scheme

I just noticed a new sign on the window of the car park office.  The CPA told me it has been there for about 6 weeks now.

The gist is that residents who don't have an assigned parking spot can park for a fee paid by phone.  

Yet another surprise.

Line or no line?

There was an experiment, but it didn't work out.  The BEO thought it would be good to allow vehicles exit the car park up the eastern ramp, the"in" ramp, and new white line markings were painted.  After a few near misses and complaints the experiment was abandoned and some of the new lines were painted out, but one weird curved line remains.  You can see it in this photo but it's now partly covered in black masking tape.  How odd...

I've been told that the curved line is intended to make it clear to drivers approaching the junction heading east (so driving towards the camera taking the photo) that they should move to their right (left as we look at it here) so they are visible to drivers coming down the ramp (the ramp is to the immediate right of the camera).

I would have thought adding hatching to the area on the right in this picture would make things clearer for drivers than the weird partly covered curved line we have at the moment.

More flooding

More photos of flooding affecting Ben Jonson House.  These ones are around staircase 62 showing water pooling outside the door:

Water getting up to the door:

And rust on the threshold showing water has been through the door:


Saturday, 27 July 2013

Flooding into Ben Jonson House

The heavy rain this evening had led to water flooding into Ben Jonson House.  Water was cascading down stairway 61 from the podium level, dripping from ceilings and even getting into the lift.  The main flooding to stairway 61 seemed to be caused by a blocked drain:
There were many blocked drains on the highwalk around the house.  Other stairs seemed very close to suffering the same fate as 61.

At least one flat on level 05 had water flooding in too.

Planning application for 343

A posted planning application ..

London Triathlon 27th & 28th July

See the detailed road closure leaflet.

Ride London: 3rd & 4th of August

"RideLondon is a new world-class annual weekend cycling festival".  There will be road closures to the south of the Barbican for this event.

See the Ride London Leaflet for details.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Blocked drain on the highwalk

After rain last night we have puddles because of blocked drains on the highwalk.  This particular area was dug up and re-tiled just last week.

Monday, 22 July 2013

Application to vary planning conditions for St. Alphage (13/00606/LBC)

Application to vary listed building consent for the new St. Alphage building.

In summary:

  • Minor alterations to the design re St. Aplhage Tower remains and Salters Hall Garage

Application to vary planning conditions for St. Alphage (13/00583/FULL)

Notice of planning application vary conditions for St. Alphage

In summary:

  • Additional basement level
  • Increase in office space on lower levels
  • Relocation of cycle racks, changing facilities and waste handling
  • "Consolidation" of landscaping
  • Relocation of shops
  • Omitting some louvers
  • Only having one public lift to the highwalk instead of two
  • Revision of the perimeter line

Follow the link above for more information.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

The Whitecross Street Party, July 20, 21

Ben Jonson House gets a grandstand view of the party:

The Residents' Information Pack (Sept 2007)

The Residents' Information Pack (RIP) is the BEO issued manual for living in a Barbican flat.  Read about everything from the Garchey to ducklings.  Follow the link below:

The Sept 2007 Residents' Information Pack

Voting with your seat ...

On a lovely warm summer evening people would rather sit on the hard raised benches than on the 'new' seating:

Not one of the new seats on Ben Jonson Highwalk was in use when these photos were taken.

L02 Stair 64 CCTV: The story so far ...

This is a catch up posting and so is quite long.

A CCTV camera appeared in Ben Jonson House during the week leading up to the 1st June.  It was installed next to the L02 lift doors by stairway 64.   When asked, our house officer said they knew nothing at all of this.

The camera looks like this:

I wrote to the BEO asking them to halt work on this until they had completed consultation with residents.   The BEO confirmed that the work had been halted.

On 6th June 2013 I raised a complaint to the BEO that there had not been any consultation (or even notice!) that the camera had been installed.  Here is the complaint:

Thank you for this response.  I look forward to discussing this with you during your residents consultation.  I know many other people have an interest and would also welcome the opportunity to contribute their thoughts. 
I am certain that there were the best of intentions, but this has to be taken against the fact that residents have asked time and again to be at least notified before works are done which affect their home and are repeatedly let down.  Even our house officer knew nothing of this, which must say something about internal communications within the BEO too. 
In the spirit of working with the BEO to improve processes and transparency I would like to make an official complaint about this instance.  Please take this email message as a complaint
Could you please detail what parties were involved and/or consulted and when in the lead up to the decision to install camera(s) in Ben Jonson House.  I don't expect you to provide detailed information on individuals. The number of residents and whether they live in Ben Jonson House or not, plus the names of any external entities would be a good start.
Could you please also tell me what the consultation process should have been? 
I'd like to emphasise here that I'm raising this 'complaint' in order to help improve the processes and avoid residents being surprised by works and changes in and around their homes.  The BEO do a smashing job on the whole and my hope is that the complaints process will bring some focus to the issue of communication and help make things even better.
On the 14th June the BEO responded:

Thank you for your email of 6 June. I can confirm this has been treated as a complaint.
First, to answer your questions in order;
· Parties involved in the installation of the CCTV were:- Barry Ashton – Car Park and Security Manager, our contractors and the commercial tenant who paid for the installation.
· Who we should have consulted with:- Ben Jonson House Group in the first instance followed by all residents via noticeboards and BEO email broadcast.
As Barry Ashton has explained this installation was done with the best of intentions ie. to improve the security of Ben Jonson residents. However this should not have been carried out without first consulting with the residents of your block. The CCTV has been disconnected and will remain so until the BEO has gone back and carried out this step. If need be, following that consultation, the CCTV will be removed.
Mr Badger, the BEO is working hard to improve its communication processes with residents all the time, and I do hope that over recent years you’ve seen evidence of this. This incident is not indicative of our normal standards and we fully accept that we got it wrong this time. Please accept our apologies and I hope you feel that we are working hard to put things right in this instance.
This complaint has been dealt with at stage one of the City of London Complaints Procedure, a link to which is attached. If you do not consider that your complaint has been dealt with satisfactorily, you can escalate it to stage 2 of the procedure by writing to Eddie Stevens, Housing Services Director, setting out why you are unhappy with the investigation and/or outcome.

Towards the end of June I heard that there were additional cameras installed within the Ben Jonson / Breton car park.  Yet another surprise.

On 8th July the BEO told us how they planned to proceed:
Following a discussion with my colleagues, we feel the best way to proceed with a consultation with Ben Jonson residents is as follows:-
Online survey to gauge opinion. This is the same format as the recent estate wide residents’ survey which had an excellent response rate. This will be advertised via Barbican email broadcast and posters on the noticeboards within Ben Jonson. As with other surveys the posters will make clear a paper copy is available from the House Officer if needed. The invite to participate in the survey will only go to Ben Jonson residents and on Ben Jonson noticeboards. We will give 2 weeks for responses The wording will read:-
Dear Ben Jonson Resident.
As you may be aware a commercial contract has rented some bays within Breton Car Park. This is a contract that has been on the estate (in Speed Car Park) without incident, for over 4 years.
The drivers have access to the car park via staircase 64 street level. Because of this the BEO installed  a camera at the expense of the commercial tenant. Concern was raised by some residents about the installation of a camera and the lack of consultation about this. The camera has subsequently been made inoperative. It is intended that the camera will feed to Breton car park box.
•       Would you like to see the camera at Staircase 64, street level be put into operation or removed?
o       Operative
o       Removed
•       Do you have any comments?
Following this, the survey results will be communicated to your House Group committee and then via the noticeboards and BEO email broadcast to Ben Jonson House residents. We are continually reviewing our consultation/communication processes to develop a model for different projects/works on the Barbican Estate - as well as this the City is also developing a consultation framework for schemes in and around the Estate being carried out by other Departments following the Barbican Highwalks seating/planting projects on Ben Jonson Highwalk and St Giles Terrace (this was mentioned at the recent City residents meetings by the Town Clerk) .
Mr Badger, the BEO is working very hard to improve its communication with residents. The website is now regularly updated by BEO staff,  we ensure that residents are sent a link when new committee papers are posted, following the RCC the BEO produces a “you said we did” update, the Q&A sessions that have worked well this past year for the Beech Gardens  project are now being used on other projects and these are posted on our website as well.

Then the BEO then sent out a notice dated 9th July asking for feedback from residents using survey monkey as explained above.  Here is the notice they posted.

I asked how all residents and long leaseholders could respond when may people either don't use computers or don't currently live in the building.  The BEO responded:

In addition to the email broadcast, the survey has been sent out to all external addresses for those long lease holders and the attached letter was placed onto the notice boards for any other residents whom may not have access to a computer. 
... which brings us up to date.

The next thing I'm expecting is a discussion about the results of the survey.


Tuesday, 16 July 2013

The Côte Kitchen Exhaust: An update from planning

A planning officer explains what the Cote exhaust will be like:

I write in response to your email dated 15 July 2013.  A new louvre panel is proposed in the existing brick wall on the Whitecross Street elevation, this would provide a new air-intake for Cinema 3. A controlled fume extraction point for the restaurant would be provided in the rear service bay. It is hoped this would resolve the current noise and smell issues caused by the temporary ducting arrangement. The proposed new arrangement will need to be agreed with Environmental Health Officers as part of the planning process.

Kind Regards
Which I read to mean that there should be no more smells, but even if there is a bit of smell it will blow over the service yard, not over the way into Ben Jonson House.  There will be a new vent beside the spiral ramp but this will be to pull air in to the cinemas.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Côte Kitchen Exhaust Fan

Here (link to the PDF notice) is a notice from the BEO about the ducting which appeared on the outside of the rear of the Côte restaurant by the service yard.

The notice makes reference to a planning application.  The City don't support direct linking to planning applications at the moment, so you need to search for planning application ref 13/00594/FULL here:


The ducting currently looks like this:

Regarding water hygiene works

A message from the BEO:

Dear Residents

Following the email broadcast regarding water hygiene works by Thomson Environmental Services sent last week (see below), the Barbican Estate Office would like to help to clarify a number of issues regarding this work:
  • There has been a regular monitoring programme of cold water distribution temperatures in the water tanks for several years
  • We broadcast about the inspections for logistical reasons because of access issues with residents
  • The inspections are a legal requirement following the Health & Safety Executive guidelines on Legionella control – this is done by monitoring temperatures where the water tanks do not supply drinking water which is where Legionella is the main concern
  • The inspections are nothing to do with the quality of the drinking water which is fed directly from the mains to the outlet taps
  • These works are charged on the service charge

If you have any further queries, please contact your House Officer.

With regards

Barbican Estate Office

This blog: A journal for Ben Jonson House

So much happens in and about Ben Jonson House that it is hard to keep track of it all!  The aim of this blog is to be a journal for The Ben Jonson House Group, letting residents know what we know, which means notice for works, cleaning, decoration, changes, parties, road closures ... anything affecting our home in the Barbican.

A key aim for this blog is the journal bit.  By keeping track of what we are told and when, we can help improve communications between our landlord, the City of London (and it's various satellite organisations such as the BEO, the arts centre etc) and us, the residents.

Let's see how it goes :-)