Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Côte Kitchen Exhaust: An update from planning

A planning officer explains what the Cote exhaust will be like:

I write in response to your email dated 15 July 2013.  A new louvre panel is proposed in the existing brick wall on the Whitecross Street elevation, this would provide a new air-intake for Cinema 3. A controlled fume extraction point for the restaurant would be provided in the rear service bay. It is hoped this would resolve the current noise and smell issues caused by the temporary ducting arrangement. The proposed new arrangement will need to be agreed with Environmental Health Officers as part of the planning process.

Kind Regards
Which I read to mean that there should be no more smells, but even if there is a bit of smell it will blow over the service yard, not over the way into Ben Jonson House.  There will be a new vent beside the spiral ramp but this will be to pull air in to the cinemas.

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