Thursday 21 November 2013

Social/Health care fund meeting 12th Dec

From the BEO:

Message sent on behalf of Health Watch

Dear Residents
 A new fund – The Integration Transformation Fund is about to become available to be used to support adult social care services with a health benefit.
 We would like to invite you to a discussion as to how YOU would like the City of London's  health and social care services to be provided to ensure that the joint health and social care experience is a very positive one for those who will or do use the service.

Date               12th December
Venue            Artizan Street Library, 1 Artizan Street, E1 7AF
Time                2.00-4.00pm

Please contact Janine Aldridge at or ring 020 7820 6787 to register your attendance. Refreshments will be provided.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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