Monday 19 May 2014

Silk Street - notification of works commencing

From the City:
Please find attached a copy of a letter relating to the commencement of works on Silk Street and Beech Street from Tuesday 27 May. Copies of the letter are being circulated to local stakeholders via email and post, and the Barbican Estate Office will be circulating a copy via their residents email list.

I should be grateful if you can forward this letter to the Heads of the relevant House Groups. I should draw attention to the second page of the letter, which contains an email address and web address for the project. We will be sending out weekly 'e-bulletins' during the works, and so I would encourage people to email the address if they wish to receive this.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Best wishes,
Tom Noble

Project Manager (Environmental Enhancement)
Department of the Built Environment
City of London

020 7332 1057

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