Thursday 12 March 2015

LFS loading access below ground?

Here is a thought from a resident about the new LFS facility beneath Ben Jonson and Breton houses.  Planning permission for the Film School is due to be submitted any time now, and the window for feedback from residents opens.   Unfortunately feedback is called "objections" in the process, but whatever it's called, it's our chance to let the planning committee know what we think.  This will be discussed at the AGM.

And so, on to that thought ...

...   I had a thought about LFS operations which might be worth developing at this stage.

I came across a draft of the General Filming Guidelines for the Barbican Estate, (I don't know if it is current) but it said under Operational: "Loading to take place at car park level where possible". This got me thinking, that is the reason why residents don't create nuisance to one another when interacting with vehicles, it generally takes place under cover at 02 or 03 level. Why can't LFS use the buildings in the same way?

... I was thinking it might be worth exploring with City Surveyors and the Architect whether this could facilitate loading filming equipment to light vehicles for students/staff of LFS so they don't have to use the Whitecross St yard at street level. This could reduce the need for LFS traffic and activity in the open yard, which is where noise carries to residents and it would be more secure for valuable equipment loads. Presumably LFS would also be renting some car parking bays in Breton CP.

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