We received a list of suggestions from a resident via the blog contact form (the one at the bottom of the page you're reading now). We thought it would be good to post them and answer them here, so here we go:
Suggestions in black, answers in blue:
1. Would it be possible to add the window cleaning and abseiling dates to the blog events calendar?
Yes, but like so many things it's a matter of time. The (volunteer) committee members tackle what they can with the time they have available and in the order which seems to makes most sense at the time. In this case we have suggested to the (paid) BEO that they might run their own blog along the lines of this one, and in so doing avoid duplication and improve the delivery of information, not least the window cleaning times. I'll send a message off to Sheila to see if I can get the latest cleaning times forecast and I'll add those to the calendar (if I have time!)
2. The document holders in the lifts are a great idea for urgent and important communication that we all need to know about. But most of the time they are empty. Perhaps it would be a chance to promote the existence/work of the House Group and Blog if there was a poster in the holder at all other times? An important notice could then be inserted in front of the poster whenever necessary.
Absolutely, yes, but, well, see #1 above. Also we have asked for volunteers to help with this and some other things (see this blog post), but so far nobody has claimed the Lift Notice Board Monitor role. It remains open if anyone would like it. In the meantime I put notices in when I think there is something particularly worthy of note.
3. Could the same holder be used to promote each House Group meeting for the fortnight before they take place so everyone understands they are welcome to attend and encouraged to do so. (if thats right?)
Again, yes indeed, and I do try to give good notice for meetings. For some things, like the AGM we have to give 4 weeks notice, which is why some of the notices hang around for a while.
4. At the AGM some christmas gifts were given to the car park attendants and the cleaners. As the House officer was present at the meeting I didn't raise it, but should they also be included in our thank you in future?
We really do appreciate Sheila's time. This matter is in hand :-)
5. Before the official AGM bit the list of issues that the House Group was concerned about and working on was shared. Is there a way of publishing and updating the whole list for all members of the house group more frequently than at the AGM? I say this because during lift smalltalk it is clear to me that many people in BJH are unaware of the good work you all do on their behalf. I also wonder if it would be the way to spark more support if the list highlighted issues where you would also welcome more one off help from people who really care about a certain issue but wouldn't want to be full-time committee members?
The committee discussed this today and I'll put something on the blog about the issues list this evening; we maintain a document which is what I call a rolling agenda and minutes so I'll share that. We're certainly always open to residents using the might of the house group to help with worthy causes. We're also open to people joining the committee at any time. Just drop us a note on the form below.