Monday 15 February 2016

CoL Planners comment on Bernard Morgan House project

The chair of Breton House wrote to the City planning department about how previous planning restrictions and guidelines (such as this and this) might affect the Bernard Morgan House proposals.

Here is the response from the Principle Planning Officer:

Thank you for your email and your useful comments.

Whist no application has been submitted we are at an early stage of discussions with the developer with regards to this scheme. We were not aware that Taylor Wimpey were going to undertake a public consultation exercise, in my view the scheme is not yet sufficiently developed for this to have been undertaken. To be acceptable I need to be satisfied that the proposed scheme would satisfy the relevant policies of the City of London Local Plan and I can confirm that the Golden Lane Estate Listed Building Management Guidelines are a material consideration in this matter. For your information we have a meeting with residents from the Golden Lane Estate on Wednesday (17th) at 10.00.

Kind Regards

Principal Planning Officer
Department of the Built Environment
City of London

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