Thursday 30 June 2016

A view of the BMH plans from the school

Prior Weston Primary School and Children's Centre is part of the Golden Lane Campus and is located adjacent to Breton House, to the North.  The school directly faces Bernard Morgan house.  Here are their thoughts on the development:

We believe that the Bernard Morgan development will have a detrimental impact on the upper level, outdoor playground and learning areas at Prior Weston School, directly across from the proposed development.

The playground and outdoor learning space on upper level of the building is a key resource for improving the learning, progress and achievement of children at the school. It is also a key resource for the physical, social and emotional well being of children at the school. We have current plans to make even further use of this area, with an upgraded playground and more frequent and better use of outdoor play, exercise and learning areas.These plans are outlined in the current Prior Weston School Improvement Plan (SIP).

It should also be noted that the effective use of the physical environment, in terms of integrated indoor/outdoor play and integration into the wider community (such as the mixed use of Fortune Street Park), is clearly identified as an indicator of 'Best Practice' by Ofsted (2015).

The school is seeking re-assurance that the Bernard Morgan proposals will not result in any significant loss of light to this area during the main hours of use (8am-330pm). The school would object to any plans resulting in loss of light which have the potential to diminish this key resource for our children.

Prior Weston Governing Body also seeks re-assurance that the Bernard Morgan development does not create a situation where the children are inappropriately overlooked and that the safety and security of the children would not in any way be compromised.

Noise and disruption during the development of the site could be very intrusive and detrimental to children's learning and we wonder what measures are to be put in place to minimise that and compensate the school and children's centre.

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