Wednesday 6 July 2016

Rough Sleepers: Police seek information from residents

The police are interested in hearing from residents who have been affected by people rough sleeping on the estate, particularly around Ben Jonson and Breton houses.

If you have been affected please contact PC  Barrie Jarvis of the City of London Police.

Personal impact statements help the Police to obtain a civil restraining injunction if and when one is needed.  Impact statements are not evidence as such, but expressions of concern, and there will be no need to appear in court.  The name of the person making the statement will be included but not their address.

If any residents have personal concerns about the presence of rough sleepers on the Highwalks and are prepared to make impact statements, please contact PC Jarvis by email:

or contact our local police officer Christine, either at the Barbican police station or on 020 7601 2456.

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