Thursday 15 September 2016

Air Quality Volunteers Wanted

The City is looking for more residents to volunteer to take part in the Stop Engine Idling campaign.

The campaign aims to reduce localised air pollution and improve air quality by raising awareness and changing behaviours. Barbican residents have already been taking part in the City's engine idling action days.  Residents found it a rewarding and positive experience - as in general drivers are interested in the message and receptive to change.

Why is this an important issue? Researchers at Kings College London estimate that 10,000 people die early in London each year as a result of long term exposure to poor air quality; so action to tackle the source of air pollution is key.

What is involved?
• Working as a team for 2 hours a month in a series of action days in the City
• Attending a training session

Residents interested in volunteering should register their interest using this online form and will be sent further details soon.

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