Thursday 6 October 2016

School floodlighting planning application is in

The Prior Weston school has submitted a planning application for their proposed floodlights. The application is now validated and visible on the Islington planning portal (search for P2016/1803/FUL).

The school clearly decided they didn't want to discuss this further with residents nor run a test installation to give residents an idea of how what they had in mind would look in practice before submitting the application.

Copies of the documents which form part of the application are here.

According to the planning application details on the Islington site (copy here), comments may be made until 27th October.  You may wish to review the valid reasons for objections, but the main considerations here are likely to be light pollution and the possibility of noise later in a floodlit evening.  The school tell us that the reason for the lighting is to allow the use of outdoor spaces in the winter, with no extension in usage beyond the times we experience in the summer.  Planning conditions need to be in place to ensure this, so do write in if this will affect you.

It looks like comments must be submitted via the Islington planning portal:

Click to visit the portal. Search for P2016/1803/FUL

Here is a snip of the light spillage document in the application (copy here):

Click to zoom in.  Use links above to view original documents.

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