Saturday 5 November 2016

Visit the Southwark Waste Recycling Facility 21 Nov 10am

From the chair of the BA sustainability committee here is a chance to visit the Veolia recycling facility in Southwark.  If you do want to go along please see the the notices from Veolia explaining how to get to the site and the rules for being on the site (sorry about the formatting of the latter document - thank Microsoft).

Here is another opportunity to visit the recycling facility where our dry recyclables are processed. It is a fascinating trip and comes highly recommended by the residents who visited in July.

Veolia can accommodate up to 20 visitors - so if you would be interested in joining the trip please let me know.

10.00 – Welcome with refreshments – presentation on the site/ H & S briefing
10.20 - Don Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
10.30 - Tour the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF)
11.00 - Tour the Mechanical and Biological Treatment (MBT)
11.20 - Tour the Recycling Discovery Centre (RDC)
11.35 - Remove PPE
11.40 - Q&A
12.00 - Depart

The site is easily reached by public transport - either via the Northern Line to Elephant and then a 172, 453 or 53 bus - or a 172 bus from Little Britain or a 21 from Finsbury Square and it takes about an hour to get there.

The site visit is not suitable for anyone fitted with a pacemaker nor, unfortunately, for wheelchair users or those needing with walking aids.

Hope you can come.

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