Friday 2 March 2018

Background Underfloor Heating

The following is from the BEO.  The point about contacting the house group chairs for information is interesting; I suspect most would be baffled by the question.


Background Underfloor Heating

Following a number of queries the BEO has received in recent weeks, we just wanted to clarify a few points.
The new heating control system was commissioned in May 17 due to the old system being made obsolete and no longer supported by UK Power Networks (UKPN).
The replacement controls were never intended as an upgrade or improvement but a like-for-like replacement to current day standards.
This is due to lease implications of what would be considered an improvement, and what we are obliged to provide by way of background heating.
We can confirm that no changes were made to the operation times or temperatures when compared to the old system.
The times which the heating can charge is regulated and monitored by the electricity supplier. The result is a reduced price-per-unit of electricity ie cheap rate off-peak.
The new heating mimics exactly the profiles of the old controls , even down to where the temperature is physically measured from.
We would like to reiterate that the system is background underfloor heating and not a full central heating system and that residents are obliged to provide their own supplementary heating.
Use of supplementary heating is not a sign of failure of the background heating system but was designed into its successful overall operation, providing the residents with their own comfort heating levels.
As per previous years, we have still received a similar number of requests to turn down the heating in residents’ properties as well as requests to turn it up.
As an aside, there seems to be a rumour that the new system came loaded with new features which apparently we have refused to enable. It is true to say that the modern day equivalent does provide additional capabilities. There is an Underfloor Heating Working Party set up via the RCC. The remit of the Working Party is to look at ways we can use the new software to allow more flexibility in how the system operates. Please contact your Housegroup Chair for more information

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