Sunday 14 October 2018

Proposed Flood Lighting at Prior Weston School

From the chair of the house group:

(apologies for the late posting of this to the blog.  Please do contact Fred if you would like to join this petition)


The residents of Ben Jonson House, Breton House and Cooper House in Whitecross are invited to support the petition below.

To support it either send your name and address to Fred Rodgers, 100 Breton House EC2Y 8PQ or email them to before 8 October please.

The Members of Planning sub Committee A London Borough of Islington
Town Hall
Upper Street
N1 2UD

Re: P2016/1803/FUL: Installation of floodlighting at Prior Weston School, Golden Lane Campus, 101 Whitecross Street, EC1Y 8JA (the Application)

We the below named who would all be affected by the approval of the Application, request that, if the same is to be approved, additional conditions are imposed to ensure that:
  • Effective acoustic screening, as proposed in the planning application P approved on 28 January 2006 but waived by Building Control 05 April 2006, is installed around the MUGA to half a metre higher than the proposed floodlighting, as soon as practically possible and before installation of the floodlighting;
  • The use of the floodlighting after 6.00 pm be restricted to term time and to one day per week, with no such use on Fridays; and
  • Only Golden Lane Campus pupils be permitted to use the MUGA at any time.
We trust that you will both note and take proper account of our request when considering the Application.

8 October 2018
Name Address

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