Sunday 23 December 2018

Plans for mobile phone masts on GLE

The City have released plans to put mobile phone masts above flats on the Golden Lane Estate.

The plans were released just before the Christmas hiatus with the window for objections closing on January 7th.  Typically unhelpful timing on the part of the City.

From GLERA (the Golden Lane Estate Residents Association):

In January CTIL (a joint venture company owned by Telefónica UK Limited and Vodafone Limited) will submit a planning application to place a telecomms station on the roof of Bowater House.

CTIL have a contract with City of London which gives them a legal right, subject to planning, to put equipment on the rooftops of Golden Lane. This in theory means every roof on our estate could be affected.

Our resident Councillor, Sue Pearson, received a letter earlier this week with notice of a two week consultation period - read here. MP Mark Field, our MP, was also notified. With her efforts and those of Councillor Mark Bostock objecting very strongly to the timing, it now looks like the consultation will be extended to January 7 before a planning application is submitted. Sue has also been in touch with Paul Murtagh, Assistant Director, Barbican Estate & Property Services. He was unaware of the proposals, has expressed concern and is now looking into the contract details. Tim Godsmark, Chair of GLERA has also written to CITL representatives.

The proposals will need planning permission but because utilities have special powers we are still unclear of what the process is and so there may not be the usual time period / scope to object.

It is essential that we all write now so that the utility company rethinks their plans.

Write to Rebecca Skerrett at GVA representing CTIL
Write to Mark Field MP

There is more information, copies of correspondence on the GLERA forum on the GLE website - do post your own comments, copies of emails sent.

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