Thursday, 31 January 2019

Golden Lane Campus - Flood Lighting update

The long running story of the flood lighting for the Golden Lane Campus has taken another step, the planning application will be heard on the 11th of February at the Islington Town Hall:

Click to read the whole letter
The text of the email containing the letter said:

You have received this email from Islington Council (Planning Service) in relation to a planning matter at Prior Weston Primary School Golden Lane Campus, 101 Whitecross Street, LONDON, EC1Y 8JA.

The attached correspondence contains important information; please retain it for your records.

If you would like to respond, please reply to

In any correspondence, please quote the Council reference number, which is included in the attached letter.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Ayodele Ogunyamoju joins the BJH team

Ayodele Ogunyamoju has joined the Ben Jonson House cleaning team.  I understand he will be taking on the western part of the block.  Here is the BEO welcome letter:

Click to read the whole letter

Sunday, 27 January 2019

BJHG - Rule changes possible

Until just a few weeks ago it was understood that we could not change the rules of the house group without having a general meeting with over 50% of members voting in person in favour of a change, as explained in this post about wishing to allow proxy voting.

This understanding has changed.

Thanks to the discovery of a 1987 copy of the house group constitution and rules we now know that there is a clause 7 which reads:
7 Alterations
These rules may be amended or the group dissolved by a resolution carried at a general meeting at which at least 21 days notice specifying the proposed resolution had been given
This means we can change the constitution and rules at any quorate general meeting such as the AGM, as long as the proposed change is notified 21 days of more ahead of the meeting.

Proxy voting may well be on the agenda for the 2019 AGM!

Monday, 21 January 2019

Centre for Music - A first look

The first images of the Centre for Music have been released on a very nicely put together web site.  It is proposed that the Centre for Music be built on the current site of the Museum of London, who will be moving to buildings which used to form a part of the Smithfield market.

The release does not just contain pictures, there are videos and 3D fly-throughs too.  Hopefully the 3D data will be released so we can all fly through the proposals to get an idea of how it will look from any angle.  The visualisations here show what can be done ... we should expect this kind of 3D imagery and data for all future building projects.  Well, one can hope.  Back to the Centre for Music; click on the images and video clips for a larger/payable version.  Also, see this YouTube video of people explaining the project. ...

From the south
The Foyer
The "Coda" performance space
The hall
Fly Through

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Sound Unbound Event in May 2019

Our Ben Jonson House Arts Center rep attended the "Barbican Resident Sub-Group – Sound Unbound 2019" meeting on Monday 14th Jan (see minutes below) and asks that if any residents have issues that need to taken forward with the Arts Centre team that you let the house group committee know by email ( ) or the form at the bottom of this page.

There will be communications to residents via the Podium newsheet in February, and a letter to all residents in April.  Another meeting is planned for March, with more information on events and timings, which the house group rep will attend.

Click to read the whole document