Friday, 19 April 2019

Rubbish - Tying for Easter

There will be no waste collection in Ben Jonson House over the Easter weekend.  The refuse collection schedule looks like this:
  • Thursday 18th April ~09:00 - last collection before the Easter weekend
  • Friday 19th (Good Friday) - no collection
  • Saturday 20th - no collection
  • Sunday 21st - no collection
  • Monday 22nd (Easter Monday) - no collection
  • Tuesday 23rd ~09:00 - first collection following the weekend
Please don't leave waste bags in the corridors over the long weekend, the bags are unsightly, potentially smelly and a temptation for pests.

And the BEO asks that all rubbish bags be tied shut.   From the BEO:

Tying Rubbish Bags Securely

This is just to inform you to ensure that all rubbish bags are to be tied securely to avoid spillages when the cleaners remove them.

Please wrap broken glass in newspaper before throwing away as this prevents injury to the cleaners.

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