Thursday 16 April 2020

Minutes of Ben Jonson House Committee Meeting 12th March 2020

Here are the minutes of the Ben Jonson House Group AGM held on 12th March 2020

1. No apologies. Attending: Helen Hulson (Chair), Wendy Spurry, Fiona Lean, Kevin Bond, Christopher Masters, Jane Bickerton and Sheila Delaney ( Barbican Estate Representative)

2. Minutes of AGM 15/1/20 were passed.

3. Election of Officers.

Helen will continue as Chair for this year.
Stephen Chapman to be the Treasurer
Kevin Bond to be Secretary
The admin for new members of the committee, and the new posts will be undertaken with Bruce Badger.

4. Beech Street Zero Emissions

The closure of Beech Street tunnel will start on 18th March, and a letter went out to residents on the vehicles which were permitted entry. This will be closed for up to 18 months, with a review after 6 months.

5. Redecoration of exterior and interior of the building

The BRC have selected the contractors that came in last time (Maloney). The actual redecoration will be deferred until after the new fire doors are installed (on the BRC agenda 16th March).

6. Matters arising from RCC meeting: Fiona summarised the key points

Fire Safety: doors to be changed and the cost not to be charged to residents
Anti social behaviour: this is a perennial problem, and the police will only get involved if the behaviors becomes criminal. All residents should log any instances of cycling, parkour, noise and other issues to the estate office. Email the house officers so they are aware. All instances will be noted and this will allow the Security Committee under Barry Ashton to evaluate the extent of the problem and see what needs to be done to deal with the problems.
High walks maintenance: £50K was allocated fr the revamp of the podium, but this has already been used in existing works. A review is done weekly for repairs. However, a new fund is required to cover the next 5 years of repairs. This is being put before the BRC.

Working party on the service charge: there are 4 on site engineers in the Barbican estate, flats are provided for them to ensure they are available at short notice. The committee is in full agreement with keeping them residential.

Underfloor heating working party: the estate engineers are looking to make the regulation of the heat (spring and autumn) more flexible in future. There is an overall plan from the management team and they are trying to communicate with residents to make a neighbourhood plan.

Asset management: Garchey removal, no decision will be made until the City says that they should be removed from the flats.

Barbican Strategy for next 50 years: There is a residents/estate document and Ben Jonson is in agreement with all the points listed.

Gardening Fund: there will be a surcharge of £25 per flat per year for the next two years. This is to be used on the residents private gardens.

If there are any issues or comments on the notes from the RCC, please let Fiona Lean know so that she can take these forward at the committee meetings on our behalf.

7. GAG and BEO

The Gardening committee have been cut off from the BEO who stated in a letter tot he GAG members that they were unable to continue the meetings due to staff shortages and pressure of work. This is bad news as we rely on these meetings to give input to the gardening works taking place throughout the estate. A letter has been sent back from the GAG to request that the meetings are reinstated, and a meeting of the GAG team will take place in the Lilac Room on 30th March to discuss the way forward.

8. AOB

The BAGC - summarised by Helen

Beech street, residents concerns.
Disenfranchisement - general discussion on the legality of the dispensation.
AGM - levels of membership were discussed, but decided against a two tier system of membership.
4B's planning - this has not gone to the RCC yet.
Noise issues - should be addressed to the environmental health team.
50 years plan - update - need to minimise the carbon footprint of the barbican estate.

AirBnB: Sheila maintains a check on the usual sites and hasn't seen any new ones recently. Residents are encouraged to notify her of any that they see on line.

Covid 19: There are many inquiries going to the barbican estate office on the cleaning plans. This has been increased in all blocks. Sheila will send a letter to the committee that can be put on the website

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