Wednesday 27 January 2021

Make the Barbican a better place

From the chair of the RCC:

Make the Barbican a better place

During 2021, residents will be invited to join the five working parties of the Barbican Residents' Consultation Committee (RCC), which represents us in our relationship with the City as our managing agent and landlord. By creating an open and transparent volunteering process, we aim to engage more residents in the work of the RCC and to access the skills and talents of the greatest number of contributors.

Watch out for your invitation, via this bulletin, to volunteer to join an RCC working party - underfloor heating; service charges; major works; gardens and service levels - as they are offered.

If we have more volunteers than places, the RCC will review the volunteers' information and select Full Members of the working party and Associate Members. Associate Members will be sent the working parties' papers and minutes, be encouraged to contribute by email and form a reserve group if a Full Member resigns.

In order to ensure past experience is not lost, at least two current members of each working party will be retained. This underlines the importance of existing members’ knowledge and their valued efforts to date, which will be complemented by new volunteers' ideas and skills.

The paper approved by the RCC can be seen here: Working Party Participation 

If you have any questions, please email me at

Chair RCC 

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