Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Wooden Floors - a breach of lease

From the BEO:

Installing Wooden Floors is a Breach of Lease

Installing a wooden or hard floor in your flat puts you in breach of your lease and you could be asked to remove it and carpet in accordance with the lease that you signed. However, we do not expect the bathroom/WC/ food preparation areas to be carpeted.

Please also be reminded, as wooden or any form of hard flooring is not permitted, should your floor covering get damaged due to water penetration for example, you will not be able to claim for it on the Buildings Insurance.

Please see the Buildings Insurance FAQ’s on the Barbican Estate website for further information. Should you wish to have your floor covering insured, you will need to arrange this via your own contents insurance.

Beech St ... central reservation works

From the BEO:

Beech Street Zero Emission Scheme – central reservation works

Since the 18 March 2020 Beech Street has been open to zero emission capable vehicles for through traffic and open to any vehicle accessing the carparks, forecourts and servicing areas located directly on Beech Street.

Following feedback from residents regarding some problems with taxis and deliveries, the City's Built Environment Department are improving access into the below sites. Three gaps in the central reservation will be made to allow vehicles to approach from the west (Aldersgate Street), making right hand turns into:
  • Shakespeare and Defoe House car park
  • Lauderdale Place
  • Barbican Centre Beech Street car park no.5
These changes will allow easier access to the residential and cultural premises located directly on Beech Street from both the east and west. Cromwell Tower forecourt and ground floor car park will continue to be accessible in either direction. The Barbican Trade Centre will remain accessible from the west only.

Construction work for the Shakespeare & Defoe House gap and Lauderdale Place gap started on 22 March 2021. Street works will be carried out by our term contractor JB Riney and while every effort will be made to keep noise levels to a minimum, some noise impact is anticipated.

The contractors will be working during the following hours:
  • Monday to Friday – 8am to 4pm (noisy working hours would be 8am – 10am and 12pm – 2pm).
  • Saturday – 9am to 2pm.
  • Sunday – No works (unless agreed beforehand)
For any queries or concerns please contact the City's Built Environment Department for this project. For any construction enquiries please contact: Steve Martin, JB Riney on 075 9520 1876, or email

EV Charging Questionnaire

The Barbican Residential Consultation Committee (RCC) have launched an EV Charging questionnaire

It's here

If the questionnaire does not get a good response the City will think that residents don't care.

There have been only 89 responses so far.

Notice from the RCC:

Electric Vehicle Charging Questionnaire for ALL residents

The Barbican Residential Consultation Committee has set up a Working Party to investigate Electric Vehicle Charging on the Estate. The Working Party is trying to determine residents' level of satisfaction with current provision and to determine future demand.

Following this, the Working Party will investigate potential technical solutions and the financial and legal constraints surrounding them.

The experience and opinions of all Barbican residents, not just car owners, are essential in formulating these plans.

You can find the survey here.

Please help by completing it. It shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes.

Podium Works Planning - again

We've been here before.  The City seems to be preparing for another capital expenditure project (or set of projects) on the highwalks.  

The last set of projects gave us the highwalk resurfacing and plantings around Beech Gardens.  While the results are good in some ways, the highwalk still floods, has puddles that don't drain away and new tiles which are are already disfigured by leeching limescale.

The underlying problem is that the drains are not working properly.  Draining is slow in many places and some drains are completely blocked (water clears by evaporation).  This has been the case since ... well, for a very long time.

Maintenance is the boring stuff (no sexy promotion-enhancing capital budget for your aspiring bureaucrat).  The danger for this new round of works is that the City moves to the sexy capital expenditure before resolving the basic underlying and critical maintenance issues.

In short, the City should fix the drains before proceeding with any other works.

The message from the City below talks first about about waterproofing (a juicy capital project) before drainage (boring old maintenance).  The result of an area being waterproofed but having no drainage is (approximately) a swimming pool!  This is precisely the mistake the City made with Beech Gardens ... the focus was on the technology of the waterproofing membrane and the tiles (yum, capital!) and the result is the flooding / puddles / leeching we see today.

Actually, the drains are currently in such a poor state that they may need a capital expenditure to get them fixed so perhaps by letting them get so bad the bureaucrats may have created a nice project for themselves.  Perhaps there is hope.  Of course once fixed the drains would still need to maintained ... oh, dear.

Dear reader, you can help!   If asked for feedback on these projects please say "first, fix the drains".  Thank you.

From the BEO:

Barbican Podium Project: Upcoming Survey Works

Proposals are currently being considered for waterproofing, drainage and associated landscaping work relating to sections of the podium above Beech Street.

You may notice that survey work is being undertaken over the next few weeks.

Once initial proposals for the podium have been established, the project team will be introducing themselves to stakeholders and residents. This will provide you with an opportunity to understand the extent of the works required and the anticipated delivery programme.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Ben Jonson House Group Committee Minutes - 17th March 2021

From the house group:

Minutes of Ben Jonson House Group

17 th March 2021 7pm via Zoom

Attending from Committee:

Helen Hulson (Chair), Fiona Lean, Stephen Chapman (Treasurer) , Wendy Spurry (Secretary), Jane Bickerton, Kevin Bond, Simon Frew, House Officer BEO

Action points from AGM 15.01.2021

Action Point 1: The House Officer to find out when By Laws notices will be put in place
Update: The wording and fines are still being finalized, to be put up in the existing places plus the ‘hotspots’. No actual timeline for installation at this point. ONGOING

Action Point 2: Notices of numbers to call for nuisance activities to be reprinted and put up in lifts and notice boards. COMPLETED

Action Point 3: The Committee to investigate the options for the hiring and funding of security staff

Action point 4: Wendy Spurry to discuss the planting of key areas on the Highwalk with the Gardening Committee

Action Point 5: Committee to investigate with the House Officer on the possibility of installing pedestrian buttons
Update: ONGOING. House Officer to check if this is a possibility

Action Point 6: The House Officer will update the Committee with any progress on internal redecorations.
Update: See RCC Report later in the minutes for further info

Action Point 7: Wendy Spurry to liaise with the estate office on costs of the new gate and discuss with the Barbican Wildlife Garden team to see if this is feasible.
Update: See points later in the minutes for further info. ONGOING

Action Point 8: The House Officer is to look into health and safety in the Bridgewater square area of garden as there is no ready access other than from the far side of the garden at present.
Update: Part of Action Point 7, see below

Action Point 9: The House Officer will speak to Highways team about the lighting on the perimeters of the estate as it is not estate responsibility, and also ask the estate engineers if they can look at the problem.
Update: ONGOING; The Globes have been replaced all along the Ben Jonson Highwalk, but the lighting below the balustrades is still dark. House Officer to chase up the Highways Team for dates on repair

Action Point 10: Helen to let the new members of the committee know the dates of the committee meetings.  COMPLETED

Election of the Committee and recruitment of new committee members

Helen Hulson relinquished her Chairmanship at the recent AGM. The Committee elected Fiona Lean to take over this role.

Due to pressure of work, Kevin Bond was unable to continue as Secretary during the the 2019-2020 period and Wendy Spurry stepped in. Her appointment as Secretary was confirmed.

Stephen Chapman is willing to continue as Treasurer.

Both Helen and Kevin will continue as members of the Committee, as will Jane Bickerton.

Two new members, Linda Stubbs and Si Frew, volunteered at the AGM and were warmly welcomed.

The Chairman stepped down at our AGM on 15 th January and two new members volunteered. This evening the Officers were elected and members volunteered for various tasks as required. As our House Officer is retiring, the committed thanked her for all she has done and wished her well for the future. She had been presented with a card and gift token prior to the meeting.

Roles covered by Ben Jonson Committee members

Fiona asked for a run down on the roles and responsibilities undertaken by each BJ Committee member and this was duly dealt with.

Treasurer’s report

No change since last report at AGM

RCC report

(See papers circulated by Fiona prior to meeting). Fiona summarized key point of interest:
  1. The RTA audit is to be done this year (Bruce Badger has more details on this if required). We will retain the ‘opt in’ membership system.
  2. Podium: The BEO have put in a bid for money to redo the Podium area. Discussion are ongoing.
  3. Fire Safety: No change from last update. Plan is to put up notices as soon as possible. This is a legal requirement but liaison with residents on legibility and positioning is important.
  4. Fire Risk Assessment: Work in progress. The BEO has a provider lined up and aim to proceed without delay.
  5. Redecorations: No change since last update at AGM. The BEO’s bid for funding of between £15M and £20M for the Door Replace Project was approved in December 2020. At the BRC this week, approval was given for the first tranche to be released to enable the BEO to take this project forward without delay.  The timescale and schedule of works is under discussion. Implementation will impact on the redecorations schedule, but the plan is to dovetail the two projects so that the redecorations are not unduly held up.
  6. Working Parties: the RCC is looking to make the various working parties on the Barbican Estate more effective. They are encouraging new membership and looking to reduce duplications of effort. This should make all of them more efficient as the tools of the RCC and the Barbican Estate.

Podium ASB issues

Simon gave update from his links with the Security Committee and the BEO

Increased City of London Police Patrols Appear to Have Addressed This Issue

A new database is launching soon – there are some teething problems at the moment. However, it’s not clear what the database is to be used for. It does not replace reporting the incidents to the police, but working alongside police notification. The BEO may be using this as a record of the incidents – the number and type of nuisance involved. It’s not certain if it will register incidents that are not crimes, and breaking bylaws is not a crime as such. Some clarification of the database and its usage is required. We are still waiting for David Bradshaw to respond to this question

Signs to be put up around the estate to show what is not allowed and (possibly) the fines incurred for breaking bylaws. No timescale on this as yet

There is a working party/security committee but no-one from Ben Jonson is on it. Apparently there isn’t room for additional people at this point! We need a presence on this committee as Ben Jonson is the most affected by ASB problems.

Action Point: House Officer to investigate who is heading the security committee and whether we can nominate a Ben Jonson person to the committee. Note: this is not a RCC working party.

The link for registering lighting or highways problems is 

Arts Centre Residents Committee

There was a meeting on 18 th February attended by Wendy Spurry. Notes on this have already been sent to BJ Committee members. Still waiting for official minutes to be circulated.

One additional point to the notes: The Arts Centre will be opening for audience and customer activities in mid April.

Wildlife Garden access from BJH

Wendy Spurry liaising with the estate office on costs of the new gate and discuss with the Barbican Wildlife Garden team to see if this is feasible.

Action Point: Wendy to continue investigations

Pandemic Update

Kevin updated Committee that the need for assistance to shielding residents has dropped off, but is still available.. The weekly calls to those who are vulnerable and shielding are ongoing.


Fiona raised the issue of communication between the BJ Committee and the residents of Ben Jonson House. We should have a system of communication that is independent of the BJ Blog to keep the membership updated regularly with any important issues.

Wendy Spurry volunteered to be the Comms Officer (as part of the Secretary role)

Action Point: Wendy to speak with Bruce regarding a list of the emails of BJ members

The Ben Jonson Email Google Group – this should not be used. We will send emails to the BJ Committee, or separate committee members, as a grouping within our own emails. In this way we can avoid sending sensitive/business information to anyone outside the BJ Committee by accident.

Forwarding of emails – we all need to be aware of the sensitivity of all information in the light of the new, tougher, data laws. If we receive emails from other groups that we wish to pass along to the BJ Committee then we need to ensure that they are ‘scrubbed’ of all original data/email addresses before forwarding. Use ‘blind copies’ where required. Likewise, we need to ensure that if we send out emails outside our Committee, we need to ensure that only those email addresses that are relevant are sent out. We must be vigilant in the receiving and passing of information as we may be liable for fines if we are careless on this.

Action Point: Fiona and Wendy to make list of guidelines for the BJ Committee to follow


Helen sent minutes of the last meeting to the BJ Committee last week. She summarized the key points:

One of the key issues was the petition regarding planning arrangements in the City of London. These do not consider the residents at all, and the system needs to be made more democratic. All residents should sign the petition as it is in their interests. This can be done here:

There is a new website for the BA which is going live in April. It’s not live yet, but it might be a good idea for us to look at it and see what is on there. Find it here:

Beech Street working party- the traffic order will be in place until September.

There is a new working party for the Electric Vehicles (part of RCC) and we should try to have someone on that committee.


BJ Residents should be told about the Council Tax help and advice that is available to all City of London residents. If they are having problems meeting the monthly payment they can find help here:
COVID-19 Council tax - City of London

Rector of St Giles, Katherine Rumens, is leaving on 23 rd May. There is no replacement at the moment, and there will probably be an interregnum. If anyone wishes to make a contribution to her leaving fund, it can be found on the St Giles web page, or contact the admin team:

The next Book Fair at St Giles will be in mid April. If anyone has books they don’t need then please put them in the book box next to the CPA shed in the car park.

The House Officer said that some of the lifts had been repainted recently as part of a general tidy up of BJ House. If other areas need to be repainted, due to wear and tear please let her know and they can be considered for out of schedule redecoration.

Monday, 8 March 2021

Very bright unshielded highway light replacement

 There is a lamp pole on the ramp leading up to the highwalk from Golden Lane.


Today, a crew from Riney replaced the lamp fitting.  The old fitting was unobtrusive and directed light onto the walkway.  The new light is very bright and is unshielded.

The new glaringly bright light shines into dining rooms and bedrooms which face north overlooking Golden Lane.

You'll need very good blackout curtains from this evening onward! 

Details of the report to the City:
Reference: 00014601
Date reported: 09/03/2021
Fault type: Street lights defect, Unclassified
Description of fault: Street Light has been replaced but has been left unshielded causing bright light to enter properties on the Barbican Estate

You can check the status of the report online by going to the report location, or by using the following link

Friday, 5 March 2021

Barbican Association AGM: 22nd Apr @ 19:30

From the Barbican Association:

A date for your diary

We plan to hold the 2021 AGM of the Barbican Association on Thursday 22nd April at 7.30pm. It will be a virtual, Zoom meeting.

The official notice of the AGM, supporting papers and the Zoom invite will follow.

Can I also draw you attention to an important petition that has just been launched and encourage your participation:

The Barbican Association is one of the sponsors of a major petition that has just been launched to seek reform of the planning process in the City.

This is a subject that has caused a lot of discontent within the Barbican in the past and is likely to continue to do so in the future, particularly in view of several major applications in the pipeline.

The petition will be formally presented to the Court of Common Council at its meeting in April. A high number of signatures may turn the dial on this subject which potentially affects us all.

Please could you find the time to sign this petition and identify yourself as a Barbican resident in the 'reason for signing' section at the bottom.

Please share the petition with friends and neighbours.

Chair, Barbican Association