Wednesday 31 March 2021

EV Charging Questionnaire

The Barbican Residential Consultation Committee (RCC) have launched an EV Charging questionnaire

It's here

If the questionnaire does not get a good response the City will think that residents don't care.

There have been only 89 responses so far.

Notice from the RCC:

Electric Vehicle Charging Questionnaire for ALL residents

The Barbican Residential Consultation Committee has set up a Working Party to investigate Electric Vehicle Charging on the Estate. The Working Party is trying to determine residents' level of satisfaction with current provision and to determine future demand.

Following this, the Working Party will investigate potential technical solutions and the financial and legal constraints surrounding them.

The experience and opinions of all Barbican residents, not just car owners, are essential in formulating these plans.

You can find the survey here.

Please help by completing it. It shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes.

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