Saturday, 3 April 2021

School Pergola - retrospective planning permission sought

Once again the Golden Lane Campus is running into planning issues.  This time the school have added structures to eastern play areas, including a pergola.  They did this without bothering with the planning process and have now applied for retrospective planning permission as explained in a letter from Islington council:

Click to read the whole letter

Any comments must be in by 2021-05-02.  See P2021/0328/FUL on the Islington planning web site.

One would expect that a retrospective application would have a higher bar to reach for approval (to discourage people from deliberately asking for forgiveness rather than permission in advance) so it unfortunate that the school did not do the right thing in the first place.  Let's hope that the amenity for the children (and indeed local residents) is not compromised by this mistake.

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