Wednesday 26 May 2021

Builders Yard beneath Ben Jonson House

A builders yard has been established beneath Ben Jonson House in support of works happening on Fann Street.

The builders yard is shown in the image below which shows Golden Lane from beneath Ben Jonson House up to, and beyond Fann St.

There are temporary huts on the west side of Golden Lane close to the main exhibition hall entrance, on the other side of Golden Lane there is a waste storage area.

Waste is taken from the work site on Fann St to the street beneath Ben Jonson House by a dumper truck (which you can see heading south in the image).  The dumper truck tips the waste on the road.  A waste lorry (parked next to the waste heap in the photo) uses a grabber to scrape up the waste and load into the back of the lorry.  The lorry scrapes up the waste which is there when it arrives and then hangs around, engine running, while the dumper truck makes additional trips until the lorry is full.

The newly blocked junction between Beech St and Golden Lane is clearly a very handy place for 'considerate contractors' to dump their stuff.

Is this a wild-cat builders yard or has the City approved it?  Either way, what was the process by which the area beneath our homes was chosen to host this noisy yard, and why has this come as (yet another) complete surprise?

The yard in action

The project engineer for these works is Simon Roliston (sp?) on  +44 207 332 1588
The on-site person in charge is Bradley on +44 788 257 2461

... and rather than the 08:00 morning serenade of the dumper truck being started, could they perhaps use an electric dumper truck?  Surely that would make sense with the builders yard being right next to the ULEZ of the Beech Street tunnel?

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