Friday, 15 April 2022

1 Golden Lane - How Big?

The redeveloped 1 Golden Lane will be much bigger, and more intrusive, than the current building.

Planning permission for the proposed redevelopment has been submitted (see the notice here).

You have until 5th May to make representations.  If you object to the plans make sure you include the word "object" in your objection otherwise it will be taken as merely a comment.

Send your representations to 

I have also received a flyer which gives a good sense of just how much bigger the proposed building will be: higher by no less than 20.39 meters (66.89 feet).  The flyer also points out that the proposed building will built out to be closer to Ben Jonson House, that there will be new entertainment terraces, and that refuse containers will be placed immediately in front of Ben Jonson House.

Click to read the whole flyer

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