Sunday 23 March 2014

AGM now on Wed 16 Apr 2014 19:00 – 21:00

The Ben Jonson House Group AGM is now scheduled for Wed 16th Apr at 19:00 - 21:00.  The meeting will be held in the Lilac Room (the residents meeting room beneath Seddon House).

The meeting scheduled for last week had to be cancelled because the Cripplegate Wardmote happened on the same evening.  We were given only 3 clear working days notice.  The Alderman of Cripplegate and the City officers responsible have apologised for the disruption.

We hope you will be able to come along on the 16th.

Here is the notice for the meeting:

Saturday 22 March 2014

Crossrail works on Aldersgate

Crossrail installing measuring equipment:

Barbican Air Quality Monitoring Update

A number of people around the estate have been putting up air sampling tubes to measure the quality of the air around the estate.  The results are starting to come in ...

Science in the city! Barbican air quality monitoring project

Next meeting is 9th April

Please come along to our next meeting on the 9th April 18:00 - 20:00 in the Lilac Room. Find out all about the proposed changes to Beech Street Tunnel and how they might affect you. We will be asking for volunteers to help with collecting vital data to inform this consultation.

We will also be looking at the results from personal exposure monitoring and answering any questions you may have.

Here is an update on the work you have been doing so far to monitor the air pollution around your home. 

Firstly, information on nitrogen dioxide levels around the estate have been collected for the last five months and we have results back from the lab for the first four. Please take a look here to see the variations between the sites and the months. The site numbers correspond to those in this table. You can also visit the map where you can zoom in to identify the different monitoring sites and click on the points to get further information on each.

Secondly, a group of residents have been taking it in turns to monitor their personal exposure to the small airborne particles that can potentially cause health problems. Carrying a particle monitor and a GPS tracking unit on their daily journeys will enable us to map their personal exposure for this period. The data is still being processed but it will be available for everyone to see at the next meeting and we think you will find it very interesting.

Finally, you may be interested in a recent paper exploring the long-term effects of nitrogen dioxide on health. 

The Plinths - an update

From the RCC:

We already know from RCC "You Said We Did" action list of Feb 2014 (RCC mins 25 Nov 2013) Page 25 that the plinths along BJ highwalk will now be repaired by the BEO. They are trying to find a permanent solution to the tiles continually falling off and have earmarked funds for this in 2014/15.
... in the meantime, the tiles continue to fall off, helped by the odd skateboarder, free runner and trick cyclist.

Call for old photographs of Barbican Landscape

Message from the BA Planning Committee:

Dear Residents, 
The City of London is preparing guidelines for managing the Barbican Landscape. To help the working party assess which features are significant for the character and special interest of the Estate, we would appreciate any photographs of the Barbican Landscape that you are able to provide. 
We are interested in seeing how the Barbican Landscape has changed from its creation in the late 1960s until recent years, including the growth of trees and other plants around the Estate, and the impact of infill buildings such as the 'yellow shed' on Beech Gardens. The project covers the whole of the outdoor areas of the Barbican Estate including the lakes, gardens, paved areas, walkways, the lakeside terrace outside the Arts Centre and GSMD, and the roof of the GSMD (outside the conservatory), and also includes the Fann Street Wildlife Garden. 
Please provide any suitable photos either to or by taking prints to the Estate Office, who will scan and return them. 
Best regards,
Dr Garth Leder
Chair, BA Planning Committee

Beech Street Gardens update

Beech Street Podium Works (As at 18th February 2014)

The main contractor, VolkerLaser Lted, commenced initial works in November 2013, started work on the main project in Jan 2014. The new tiles have been granted approval as a reserved matter under each of the Listed Building Consents issued in respect of White Lyon Court and the main Beech Gardens area. A further approval is required for the material and finished colour of the pond lining and a sample is being prepared for this purpose by VolkerLaser Ltd. 

Soft Landscaping
An initial meeting of the Landscaping Working Party have been convened, and Johanna Gibbons, Landscape Architect has been commissioned to provide design consultancy. The next meetings of the Beech Gardens landscaping working party are to be held on 6 and 27 March. Following these it is anticipated that a consultation exercise will be carried out in order to inform the final design of the landscaping scheme.

Work in progress
VolkerLaser Ltd are presently working at the south end of White Lyon Court, above GSMD and adjacent to the Virgin Active gym, and above Beech Street Tunnel. The recent wet weather has meant that the liquid applied waterproofing system cannot be used, and this element of the works is now moving forward with the advent of improved conditions. In the interim, VolkerLaser Ltd have been concentrating on removal of the tiles and screed, and preparation of the underlying surface in order to receive the waterproofing solution.

How to waterproof a highwalk

Friday 21 March 2014

Spring has sprung

The first full day of spring in Fortune Park.  Well, it's the first day of spring if you measure the seasons by the equinoxes (the vernal equinox was yesterday at about 5pm) and solstices.  The alternative is to use "meteorological seasons" ... as explained by the met office here.

Blooming flowers

Saturday 15 March 2014

BJH AGM will *NOT* now happen on Wed 19th March

The City's announced late last week that the wardmote for Cripplegate is planned for the Wednesday19th March, giving people just two or three clear working days notice.

I have pointed out to the City that they have plonked the wardmote on the same evening as our long-planned AGM, but the City have not even bothered to reply.

Given the uncertainty the committee have decided to cancel the AGM meeting on the Wed 19th March and move it to a new date (which we'll have to work out - watch this space).

Even putting the damage to our AGM aside, the notice for the wardmote is ridiculously short.  Don't be too surprised if the wardmote gets cancelled too!

An excellent example of killing two birds with one (incompetently thrown) stone.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Ward mote battleships: Direct hit on our AGM

Received just today is the invitation to the 2014 Cripplegate Wardmote (see here).

Remarkably, with less than a week's notice, we're told that the wardmote will be on the 19th of this month, exactly the same evening as the long-planned Ben Jonson House Group AGM.

It's likely that many residents of Ben Jonson House would wish to attend both of these meetings, so one will have to move.

We'll keep you posted.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

The yellow shed

What should happen to the corridor linking the arts centre to the exhibition halls?
Should I stay or should I go?

Saturday 8 March 2014

House Group AGM - 19th March @ 19:00

You've probably seen the notices on the notice boards.  The Ben Jonson House Group AGM will be held from 19:00 on 19th March in the Lilac Room (the residents meeting room beneath Seddon House).

Here is the agenda:

  • Opening and Welcome
  • Minutes of the previous general meeting
  • Treasurer’s report
  • House Officer’s Report
  • Decoration, outside and in
  • Highwalks:  Seating, planting and flooding
  • Film School
  • Election of the committee  & seeking new committee members
  • Membership

Tuesday 4 March 2014

National 12-Bell Striking Contest - 22 March 2014 St Giles’ Cripplegate

National 12-Bell Striking Contest Saturday 22 March 2014 St Giles’ Cripplegate

We are honoured to be hosting this prestigious contest at St Giles’ (one of three centres – the others being Waltham Abbey and St. Sepulchre, Holborn) held annually at major parish churches and cathedrals. We are writing to you as our neighbours so that you know what will be happening that day and in preparation for the contest.
On 22 March the church will be open all day. The judges check the bells with a short piece of ringing at 10:45am. When they are happy that all is ready the Rector will draw the bands from a hat to decide the order of ringing. It is believed to be a handicap to ring early in the day so the draw is important. The first band starts ringing at 11:30am and the last will finish about 3.00pm.
See here for the full notice

Update on Crossrail monitoring

Update from the char of the BA:

Update on Crossrail monitoring
Following the note I sent last week about Crossrail monitoring on the estate, I've now had an email from the coordinator to say that they will after all be drilling into the concrete to place the prisms and sockets. The explanation is as follows:

"We have reviewed the clamp installations and the potential for any damage to the concrete columns. The clamp we proposed was stainless steel and when it was installed put in a rubber tube to limit any damage to the rough finish of the concrete. Due to the length of time the installation will be in place (up to a year) we cannot guarantee that the rubber tubing will not deteriorate. So we will carry on with the installations as per the Listed Building consent, which is drilling for both the prisms and the sockets.
To reduce the impact of this we are proposing that the socket installed is slightly different from the one I showed you. We intend to install the socket in the same place as shown on the photomontages but instead of being installed at a height of 1.5m above ground level these will be much nearer the ground within approx. 300mm and then a socket (rawl plug ) installed and a longer monitoring point screwed in so that the instrumentation is then put on top of this. This is then unscrewed once the readings have been done.
I am sorry about changing all of this but we are trying to ensure that there will be no damage to the Barbican and also trying to reduce the impact of the installations. Also to reinstate the hole left from drilling for the socket or prisms is easier and more successful than it would be if there was any damage from the clamp."

3 March 2014

Chair, Barbican Association

General Development Order from the City of London

From the BA planning dude:
This week's planning applications enclosed. Neo on Carthusian Street are seeking a "certificate of lawful use" to confirm they are indeed a Class A4 "drinking establishment", which is how they say they have operated since receiving planning permission in 2005.

14 - 17 Carthusian Street (Forming Part of 131 Aldersgate Street), London, EC1M 6AD
Certificate of lawful existing use in respect of the use of the part ground floor and basement as a bar falling within Class A4.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Beech Gardens Q&A 5th Feb 2014

From the BEO:

... the Q&A from the most recent Beech Gardens Resident's meeting.

Beech Gardens – Resident’s meeting, 05 February 2014  at  7pm  
Venue: Lilac Room, Barbican Estate Office

Officers Present:
Karen Tarbox (KT) – Head of Housing Needs, Property and Barbican Estate
Michael Bennett (MB) – Barbican Estate Manager
Christopher Bate (CB) – Project Surveyor
Stewart Catterall (SC) VolkerLaser (VL) Representative 

4 residents attending.

Introduction by Karen Tarbox

KT introduced the City of London officers and the Representative from VolkerLaser (VL)

1 Communication

KT provided an update with regard to the meetings of the Beech Gardens Project Board (PB), which met on 5 February.  KT advised that the PB was made up of Resident Representatives from the 5 surrounding blocks, namely, Bunyan, Bryer and John Trundle Courts, Defoe House and Lauderdale Tower, Property Services Officers and representatives from VolkerLaser.  All complaints about the project received by the BEO are logged and if these are not dealt with at grass roots level, they are escalated up to the PB to deal with. One complaint has been logged since the start of the project in December. It was clarified that officers would be happy to attend the 5 blocks House Group Meetings/AGMs upon request. 

The residents meeting are scheduled after the meetings of the PB in order that the most up to date information would be available. Monthly meetings for residents are held on the first Wednesday of every month.

Resident Reps.
Bunyan – David Murray
Bryer – John Taysum
John Trundle – Janet Wells
Lauderdale – Robert Barker
Defoe – Garth Leder

CB advised that some of the work needed to be co-ordinated in line with the requests of the commercial properties. Phasing plans including coloured sections of the project which identify expected start and finish dates of each section were handed out to the residents present. 

Weekly bulletins have continued and the Current Project section of the website is being continually updated.

2 Hard Landscaping

Q        What are the timescales for the relaying of the tiles?
A         The tiles will be relaid during the end period of each phasing plan.

Q          What are upstands?
A          Upstands include the pyramid shapes at the edges of the podium, skirtings and parapet wall.

Q        What is the difference between triflex work and waterproofing?
A         Triflex is the liquid applied material which forms part of the waterproofing.

Q         When will the Bryer pond bridge be put back?
A         The agreement is to put the bridge back as it was originally. However, there are some cleaning, Health and Safety, Height issues and this is an opportunity to resolve these. An agreed design is being reviewed which may require Listed Building Consent – the timescales for this are expected to be presented to the next PB meeting in March.  

Q How long before the chute is organised to carry debris down to the service yard? 
A         Once the scaffolding at the back of Bunyan Court to carry out water penetration works to some flats is moved/removed - TBC

3 Soft Landscaping

Q After the water proofing will the soil be put back?
A No this will form part of the planting works. 

Q         Once the pond works are complete will the water be replaced.
A         No this will form part of the planting works. 

Q          How will the planting be approved?
A          The intention is to put together some designs for two viable schemes for the Working Party to comment on which will be put forward for wider resident consultation. There is already provisional approval for funding for the planting but the 2 schemes will require realistic prices and committee approval.

4 Timelines

Q          Is there a proposal to start the redevelopment of 2 Fann Street works later this year?
A          No the redevelopment of 2 Fann Street is due to start in January 2015.

Q With the continual bad weather what contingencies are there?
A          There are contingencies in the project but there are no guarantees that there will be no extensions to the project.

5 Health and Safety

Q        Will the hoarding remain throughout the project?
A         The hoarding will remain for those areas that require planting but the other areas will be opened up as soon as those works are completed. 

6 Environmental

Q Are the works being done currently by the “concrete sander” the loudest noise that we will hear during the works?
A         Yes.

Q          Workers appear on site at 8.00am and the sound echoes around.
A         Contractors will be reminded about this by the VL Project Manager 

The meeting ended at 8pm

General Development Order from the City of London

From the BA planning dude:
This week's planning applications enclosed. The extension of the Willoughby "refuse storage facility" (bin shed) is a repeat item, and looks very acceptable. Also internal works in John Trundle and Ben Jonson.
The items:

Willoughby House, Moor Lane, London, EC2Y 8BL
Extension of existing refuse storage facility.

132 John Trundle Court, Barbican, London, EC2Y 8NE
Internal alterations to partitions to enlarge bathroom.

519 Ben Jonson House, Barbican, London, EC2Y 8NH
Internal alterations including construction of mezzanine level and staircase, new bathroom on top floor and new cupboard under staircase.

Small update on relocation of LFS to the Barbican

The LFS were asked for an update.  They responded:

We have not yet executed our Agreement to Lease with the Corporation of London.  As such, progress is slow and it is very likely that the anticipated dates for the submission of planning applications will be later in the year.  We are very keen to meet with you and the residents associations in the Barbican as soon as we have some firm news to report – we’re very keen to work with you and share our vision with you. 

I will be back in touch soon.

Barbican Association AGM now on Tuesday 29th of April

This is about the estate-wide Barbican Association  (The Ben Jonson House Group AGM is still scheduled for the Wednesday19th March).

For the attached bulletin click here.

From the BEO:

The message is sent on behalf of the Barbican Association Subject: Barbican Association Membership Update

Barbican Association Membership Secretary has asked for the attached bulletin to be distributed to all residents regarding the recent membership renewal. A printed version of this letter will shortly be delivered to all residents. 
Barbican Association would also like to inform residents that the AGM date has changed to Tuesday 29th of April. 

Re 2 Fann Street: Meetings on 3rd & 4th March

From the BEO:

Redrow London would like to invite you to a second public consultation to view our latest proposals for the regeneration of the former YMCA building at 2 Fann Street.  Our revised plans are to convert the YMCA building to residential use, creating 72 new apartments.
The feedback received from our first public consultation in December showed that:
  • 80% of respondents to our questionnaire supported our proposals to convert 2 Fann Street to residential use.
  • 87% of respondents agreed that design and architecture sympathetic to the Barbican Estate is an important issue.
Proposals for a rooftop extension to the building received a mixed response, with 53% of respondents not supporting the extension. Consequently, the proposal has been revised to ensure there will be no extension above the existing roofline.
The consultation will be held on Monday 3rd March and Tuesday 4th March at St. Giles Cripplegate, Fore Street, Barbican, London, EC2Y 8DA.  (5pm to 8pm both days)
The consultation will provide you with the opportunity to view and comment on our initial proposals, and to meet members of our professional team who will be available to answer any questions. We very much hope you will be able to come along and take a look.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the development, please visit our website at or contact us at 020 7871 3565 or
We hope to see you soon.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Widdup
Senior Land Manager

Update from Crossrail on monitoring across the Barbican estate

The BA's Crossrail group met Crossrail yesterday (25th Feb) to discuss the monitoring that is about to happen across the estate, so this is an update. Please feel free to share it with your house group members. A copy will appear on the BA's website.
Crossrail monitoring of settlement across the Barbican: information from Barbican Association
Crossrail's tunnelling contractor, Dragados Sisk, needs to monitor for settlement along the line of the tunnelling. It is starting to do this monitoring now. Residents with settlement deeds should have received some information on the monitoring and there are notices about it around the estate.
The contractors, who have listed building consent for their work, will be placing prisms and sockets and studs at various points around the estate. The prisms will be at 3-5m high, on walls and columns, the sockets will be about 1.5m high, and the studs will be on the ground. A map in the notices shows the positions of prisms and sockets. These will start being installed on 27 February.
No access to individual flats will be needed to install the monitors. Wherever possible the contractors will drill into mortar between bricks and they have an obligation to make good after the monitors are removed. They may have to drill into some concrete but plan to install the prisms on columns by using strapping.
The monitors will be read by people (wearing high visibility orange jackets) taking readings from theodolites from the public parts of the estate. At first monitoring will be done monthly (to build up a baseline picture of normal movement on the estate). When the tunnel boring machines get near the estate they will move to daily monitoring, which will continue until the machines have passed under the estate and out the other side (about a month).  If any settlement does occur it is likely to be immediately after the machines have gone through. But monitoring will then drop to weekly, then monthly until settlement is less than 2 mm.
Defects surveys
The next thing that will happen is defect surveys: these are to assess the baseline position in flats so they have something against which to assess any damage. Crossrail are currently planning this work with their subcontractor. It is likely to start in May-June. The contractors will want to do surveys in the flats of everyone with a settlement deed and others in the blocks in the settlement zone*; they don't yet know exactly which. As soon as they do they will come and talk to us. We agreed that they should hold a public meeting open to all residents to explain how the surveys will work (they will need access to individual flats to do the surveys) and answer questions. So we will aim to fix this up as soon as possible.
In the meantime Crossrail hope in March to be able to provide the definitive dates for the tunnel boring machines to come under the estate.At the moment it is November-December.
*Buildings in the settlement zone: Shakespeare, Willoughby+Speed, John Trundle+Bunyan,Lambert Jones, Lauderdale, Defoe, Gilbert, Andrews, Brandon Mews
26 February 2014

Those new trees are callery pears

A resident botanist sent the following:
Hi. You may have noticed the new street trees that have been planted on Golden Lane in front of Breton House. 
These are callery pears (pyrus calleryana), variety 'Bradford'. The callery pear comes originally from south east Asia. 
Wikipedia promises us dense white blossom in Spring before the leaves are fully developed; small fruit that are readily taken by birds, and a possible dramatic display of colour in autumn, (depending on the local microclimate). 
So let's see if they live up to their promise!

Saturday 1 March 2014

Late night rubbish collection from UBS

I wrote to the City's environmental services people to ask when noisy rubbish collection lorries are allowed to operate.   Here is the response:

As mentioned in my previous e-mail, collections made at 22.00 hours are within our general guidance for timings (0700-2300 hours Monday to Saturday).  As such, enforcement action may be difficult to pursue.

However I have again liaised with UBS who have investigated this matter further.  As the collections have been made within the above window, the security team had not been reporting the collections as per the procedure that I mention in my previous e-mail.  UBS have agreed as a gesture of goodwill to contact their waste contractor with a view to rearranging these collections to 21.00 hours.

Hopefully this informal agreement will help to minimise any disturbance.

VFM TV Upgrade - Resident Open Day Reminder - Wednesday 26 February.

Sorry this is posted too late (I've been away).  I'm posting this just for the record ...

From the BEO:

Please remember:
There will be a Resident Open Day on Wednesday 26 February in
Residents' Meeting Room/Lilac Room at the Barbican Estate Office.
10.00am - 2.00pm and 3.00pm - 7.00pm
VFM staff will be available to demonstrate the services that will be on
offer and answer any questions you may have.