Saturday 22 March 2014

Call for old photographs of Barbican Landscape

Message from the BA Planning Committee:

Dear Residents, 
The City of London is preparing guidelines for managing the Barbican Landscape. To help the working party assess which features are significant for the character and special interest of the Estate, we would appreciate any photographs of the Barbican Landscape that you are able to provide. 
We are interested in seeing how the Barbican Landscape has changed from its creation in the late 1960s until recent years, including the growth of trees and other plants around the Estate, and the impact of infill buildings such as the 'yellow shed' on Beech Gardens. The project covers the whole of the outdoor areas of the Barbican Estate including the lakes, gardens, paved areas, walkways, the lakeside terrace outside the Arts Centre and GSMD, and the roof of the GSMD (outside the conservatory), and also includes the Fann Street Wildlife Garden. 
Please provide any suitable photos either to or by taking prints to the Estate Office, who will scan and return them. 
Best regards,
Dr Garth Leder
Chair, BA Planning Committee

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