Saturday 15 March 2014

BJH AGM will *NOT* now happen on Wed 19th March

The City's announced late last week that the wardmote for Cripplegate is planned for the Wednesday19th March, giving people just two or three clear working days notice.

I have pointed out to the City that they have plonked the wardmote on the same evening as our long-planned AGM, but the City have not even bothered to reply.

Given the uncertainty the committee have decided to cancel the AGM meeting on the Wed 19th March and move it to a new date (which we'll have to work out - watch this space).

Even putting the damage to our AGM aside, the notice for the wardmote is ridiculously short.  Don't be too surprised if the wardmote gets cancelled too!

An excellent example of killing two birds with one (incompetently thrown) stone.

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